I hugged her back warmly. I loved Kristen. She was warm and fun and kind, and she had devoted her life to helping other people. She stepped back and smoothed her hair back from her face as she looked at Alejandro.

‘Kristen, this is my husband, Alejandro,’ I said with a feeling of pride that completely blindsided me. What did I have to be proud of? It wasn’t like any of what me and him shared was real. But, I felt it anyway.

‘Kristen,’ Alejandro said as he took her hand and kissed it. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

‘Oh, the pleasure is mine,’ she blushed.

‘This place looks great,’ Alejandro said as he looked around. ‘You must be doing an excellent job.’

Kristen put an arm around my shoulder. ‘Well, there is no way we’d be standing in this fine building if it wasn’t for your incredible wife. I think she must be our guardian angel, because before she showed up, we were about to be evicted from a building that was, quite frankly, falling apart.’

‘Kristen!’ I said as I felt the heat creeping over my neck and cheeks.

‘She’s awful at taking compliments, isn’t she?’ Kristen laughed, and Alejandro laughed too.

‘Yes, she is,’ he said and winked at me.

‘I can’t thank you enough for bringing her into our lives anyway, Mr. Montoya. I honestly don’t know what we’d do without her. You must be very proud.’

Alejandro looked at me and smiled and I felt my heart hammering in my chest. ‘Oh, I am,’ he said and if I didn’t know him better, I would have sworn he meant it.

‘Alana,’ I heard a voice behind us shout, breaking the moment. I turned to see Lucy walking towards us.

Lucy broke my heart. Sixteen years old, pregnant and with no family at all. Not that anyone else knew she was sixteen and pregnant — she had false documentation stating she was eighteen, and I still hadn’t worked out what I was going to do about it.

I hadn’t been able to get details of the father of her baby, other than he was older than her and his name was Blake. But, he sounded like very bad news. I’d spent so much time with her over these past few weeks, and I was growing to care for her deeply. She was such a sweet kid who had been dealt a crappy hand in life.

‘Lucy,’ I said with a smile as I gave her a quick hug. ‘I’d like you to meet, Alejandro.’

‘Is this your husband?’ she said as she looked him over.

‘I certainly am,’ Alejandro answered.

Lucy turned to me and grinned. ‘Way to go, Alana,’ she said and gave me a fist bump.

Alejandro slipped his hand around my waist, skimming my ass as he did and sending a shockwave of electricity through me. He pulled me towards him. ‘How about you show me around this place?’

‘Of course, come on,’ I said and we excused ourselves.

I had almost given Alejandro the full tour, which had taken some considerable time as I’d had to introduce him to every single person we met along the way. He was charming to everyone and I saw a glimpse of how the outside world must see him — the King of L.A. No wonder he had people constantly fawning all over him.

We were walking down the hallway, when Alejandro pulled me into the store cupboard, closing the door behind us and pressing me up against it before kissing me greedily. His hand slipped over my ass and he squeezed hard.

‘Not here,’ I breathed as I broke our kiss.

‘I know,’ he said as he lifted his hand and gently dusted his knuckles over my cheek. ‘I just had to kiss you, that’s all. I can wait until we get home to fuck you, or at least until we get in the car,’ he flashed his eyebrows at me.

‘You have sex on the brain,’ I said although I pulled his body closer and could feel the growing hardness through his jeans.

‘I have you on the brain, Mrs. Montoya,’ he said as he pulled his hips away from me and nipped my shoulder blade. ‘And seeing how much these people love you is only making me want to take you home and remind you that you’re mine.’

‘How could I forget?’ I said, placing my hands on his hard chest.

‘So, how much is this place costing me?’ he said with flash of his eyebrows.

I blinked at him. ‘What?’

‘This new shelter. How much am I in for?’