I take a deep breath and knock on the door to Toni’s gym. Jax stands beside me, a comforting hand on my back. It’s been three weeks since I last saw her because she’s been on the road. We could have called her, but she’s always super busy, and besides, I wanted to see her face to face when we tell her that we dealt with Foster Carmichael.

The day after what happened in the basement, my mom went back to that old Brownstone she swore she’d never set foot in again and told her mom that her father had packed up and moved to Havana with his long term lover, Ed Sawyer, and wouldn’t be coming back.

Jax and Jessie Ryan set up a trail of emails and correspondence dating back months between Foster and Ed, declaring their love and planning their getaway. My mom said that her own mom actually smiled when she told her, and well, let’s hope Foster Carmichael’s departure from this earth ends up being a good thing for her too.

The same information was sent to Shannon back in Dallas, along with the videos that Ed recorded without her knowledge and an email telling her he had confessed to hurting her dog, Huxley too. I hope that she is able to move on. After all, she is definitely better off without that pig of a husband, and at least now she knows the kind of man he really was.

Jax took Foster’s computers and destroyed them as well as the cloud files with the videos of the two of us.

It all worked out kind of perfectly, but the only person we still need to speak to is Toni. The longer we stand here waiting for the door to open, the lower Jax’s hand slides until it’s resting on my ass.

I look sideways at him. “Do you have to?”

He shrugs. “You’re my wife and your ass is fucking beautiful. So sue me.”

Even though I love that he always seems to have his hands on me, I roll my eyes at him.

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that, angel,” he whispers just as the door opens and Toni is standing there grinning at us.

“You two are so darn cute,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the door jamb.

“Were you watching us?” Jax asks feigning a scowl.

She shrugs. “I heard you two were into that now?”

“Too soon, Moretti,” Jax says and she starts laughing before stepping aside and allowing us into her gym.

“That’s what we wanted to talk to you about, actually,” I say as she closes the heavy metal door behind us.

“Oh, you find something out?” she asks as she walks to the back room and we follow her.

“You could say that,” Jax says as he looks around the gym. “Where’s Benji?”

I only just noticed that he’s not here either. He trains Toni and looks after her gym. I’ve never known him not be here when she is.

“He’s packing,” she says with a shrug.

“Packing?” I say.

“Yeah. I got a new sponsorship deal, but they want me to move my training to Chicago.”

“You’re going back to Chicago?” Jax asks with a frown.

“I guess so. Bye bye sunshine. But, I got to go where the sponsors want me, so…” she shrugs. “I figure a few more years and then I’ll retire and go live in Bali or somewhere.”

“So you’ll be back in the loving bosom of the Moretti family?” Jax laughs softly and I feel like I’m missing a joke.

“Ha,” she snorts. “Fat chance.” Then she looks at me. “Looks like you’ll need to find a new trainer, princess. Sorry about that.”

“I’ll take over Lucia’s training,” Jax says and Toni arches an eyebrow at him.

“What?” he says with a frown.

“Like you two could do anything involving that kind of close contact without fucking?”

“She kind of has a point,” I mutter and Toni winks at me. I feel a pang of sadness as I realize how much I’m going to miss her.