I flick the switch on the handle. It roars to life like it’s been waiting for this moment – I know I have. When his mouth opens on a scream, I press the drill head against the groove on one of his back molars and push until tooth and blood are swirling around his mouth. He sputters and chokes through his screams of agony.

“You got plenty more teeth I can do that to, you sick fuck. Now who saw those videos?”

“N-no,” he sputters, shaking his head and causing blood and spittle to fly out of his mouth.

I grab his jaw again and repeat the process. By the time I’ve drilled through all of his back teeth, Carmichael is a gibbering, trembling wreck.

“We still need him to talk, amigo,” Alejandro laughs darkly as he hoists his father-in-law up by his shoulders and sits him in the chair.

“He can nod and shake his head. That’s all I need,” I snarl as the adrenaline courses through my veins. I want to tear every fucking limb from his body with the rage that burns through me.

“The images are on your personal computer?” I ask and Carmichael’s head lolls backward.

Alejandro grabs him by the hair and holds him upright. “My friend asked you a question.”

“The videos and pictures? Are they on your computer?”

He nods as best he can.

“Where did you print the photographs?”

“Ofsh,” he mumbles.

“Your office?”


“Your home office.”

More nodding.

“Are there copies anywhere else?”

He shakes his head.

“You know what I do, Carmichael. You know I will find out if you’re lying to me.”

He nods.

I narrow my eyes at him. “I expect you know by now that you’re not leaving this building alive.”

Tears run down his face.

“But the one thing you do have is your legacy. You’re the great Foster Carmichael, right?”

“Hmm,” he whimpers.

“But if I find out you’ve lied to me, then the whole world will learn what you did to that little girl from Virginia. Everyone will find out what a snake you are. Are you lying to me?”

“Nuh,” he snivels.

“So once I destroy the videos on your computer they’ll be gone? You didn’t print any extra for you or your buddies to jerk off over?”

“Noooo,” he wails as Alejandro tugs his head back further.

“You think he’s telling the truth?” Alejandro asks.

“I don’t think he has the balls to withstand this level of pain. He’s gotta be, right?”