“I know, Mom.”

“I mean, I was prepared to do this anyway after what he did to you and poor Bethany, but now…” she sucks in a breath and suddenly I feel sorry for Foster Carmichael. Alana Montoya doesn’t get pissed very often, but when she does — well, even Satan himself would move out of her way.

“How about I get Mikey to make you both one of his famous soothing hot chocolates while you wait for Alejandro and Jax,” Jessie says, pushing herself to her feet and taking her husband’s hand.

Well, he’s one of her husbands. She has four of them. The Ryan brothers have been friends of my father’s and Jax’s for years and they’ve kindly let us use their apartment and basement while we’re here in New York. I only met them at mine and Jax’s wedding less than two weeks ago, but I love all of them already. Especially Jessie, who’s just a few years older than me. We needed somewhere we could keep Matthias and the twins safe while we dealt with Foster Carmichael, and the Ryan’s basement also has the perfect place for the next stage of the plan.

“Sounds perfect, thank you,” my mom replies.

“Not a problem. Full disclosure though, the soothing part is Irish whiskey, just so you know.”

“Sounds even better,” my mom says with a smile.

Jessie and Shane walk out of the office leaving my mom and me alone.

“I was about to say that I can’t believe that he did that, but the really sad thing is that I can,” she says softly.

I don’t have a response for her. The truth is, it was my mom who told us all that her father was too smart to accept a request for a meeting without getting suspicious. This entire plan was her idea — well most of it. The double bluff.

A request for a meeting, no matter how it was done, would put Foster on high alert, given that he’s just extorted five million dollars from my father, and the fact that neither of my parents have spoken to him for five years. There was no way to do that and not raise his suspicion.

So my mom made him believe that she was betraying my father, telling Foster he was onto him and that he was setting him up. It would not only confirm that he was behind the extortion, but also make him think he was in the clear. A man who thinks he has vanquished his enemies is a much easier target than a man on the defensive.

So, earlier today, some of my father’s men drove to the lake house in Virginia, broke in, set up our camera and the explosives, closed the blinds and turned on the lights. Then they left two SUV’s outside to make it appear like there was someone there.

Meanwhile, my mom and I came here with the boys, while my father and Jax have been following Foster all day. They have a link to the camera at the lake house too and will know exactly what he tried to do and that they need to act fast before his hired guns don’t check in with him to tell him that the job is complete.

I sit back in my chair, confident in the knowledge, that right about now the man who tried to destroy our family will be in the capable hands of my husband and my father.


“It’s time to move, amigo,” Alejandro says as the feed to Carmichael’s lake house is cut off.

“We just gonna walk up to his house and expect him to let us in?”

“I’ll break in if I have to,” he says with a shrug. “But his housekeeper will open the door. He thinks he’s untouchable. He thinks we’re dead.”

I nod my head in agreement. A man who thinks he has nothing to fear is a much easier target.

We climb out of the car and walk up the steps of the old Brownstone. Alejandro rings the buzzer and sure enough, the housekeeper opens the door a few moment’s later.

“I have a meeting with Mr. Carmichael,” Alejandro says with that disarming smile he has. He could have been a politician himself.

She blinks at us. “I’ll just go check.”

“No need. He knows about it,” I say, pushing the door open and allowing us both to walk past her.

“You can’t…” she shouts after us. “Mr. Carmichael,” she yells louder and a few seconds later he walks out of the sitting room at the back of the house.

His face turns an unnatural shade of grey when he sees us.

“Meeting at eight, right?” Alejandro says.

He opens and closes his mouth.

“Sir, shall I call Fitz?” the housekeeper asks.

I turn to her and shake my head. “If Fitz is the big Irish guy who’s supposed to be outside watching the house, you won’t find him.”