“The pictures with Toni Moretti?” I ask him. “You fabricated those?”

“Yep,” he says with an air of pride. “You can do anything with photoshop these days. But you two went and gave me so much more, didn’t you.”

I swear there is an arrogant sneer on his face. Like even though he is tied up and about to die, he still can’t help being a disgusting piece of shit. I feel the anger in Jax beside me, but I don’t give him time to act. I raise the shears and smash them into Ed’s face, busting his nose open like a ripe peach.

“You sick, twisted piece of shit!” I shout, ready to hit him again, but Jax catches my arm.

He pulls me to him, pressing his lips against my ear. “I know, baby, but I need to know what he did with those videos first, okay?” he whispers so that Ed can’t hear.

I drop my hands and nod my agreement. Ed is going to know pain like he could never have even imagined, and he’s going to deserve every second of it.


I press my nose against Lucia’s hair and inhale her sweet scent until it grounds me. Tuning out the sound of Ed’s sniveling in the background, I listen to her ragged breathing instead. I feel the anger in her and I wish that I could let her smash his face to pieces right now, but I need some more answers first. And there are things I need to say to him that I’d rather she didn’t hear.

“Why don’t you step outside for a few minutes, Luce?” I suggest. “Get some fresh air.”

She looks up, her face pale as she blinks at me. “Okay,” she whispers.

“Good girl,” I kiss the top of her head and watch as she walks out of the door, leaving Ed and I alone.

I give him all of my attention now. “If you want this to be over, I’m gonna need answers and fast, Ed. No more fucking about. What did you do with the videos?”

“I sent them to Foster.”



“And the originals?”

“On my cell phone. In an encrypted cloud folder.”

I pick up his cell phone. “Password?”

“One – one — zero – three – nine – six.”

I type the numbers in and unlock his phone. “And the encrypted folder?”

“It’s the picture of the cat,” he says. “It’s supposed to look inconspicuous.”

I tap on the screen and it asks for a thumbprint. “Gonna need that print, Ed.”

He nods his head, no doubt expecting me to lift the phone to his thumb. Instead, I take my knife from the table, reach up and slice off his thumb before he even knows what’s happening. A second later he’s shrieking in agony again.

“You are the noisiest fucker I’ve ever had the pleasure of torturing. You know that?” I say as I press his thumb onto the phone and the folder opens. There are a number of videos in there.

“Who are in the rest of these?” I ask.

“Me and Shannon,” he sobs.

“She know you took em?”

“No,” he shakes his head.

“You really are a disgusting pile of dog-shit, Ed.”

I put the phone and his bleeding thumb onto the workbench.