Jax slaps Ed’s face so that he stops focusing on the pain in his foot and looks at him, again. “You see how this is gonna work now?”

Ed nods his head.

“How long have you been watching me?”

“Only while you were here on honeymoon,” he sniffs.

“But the photograph of me and Shannon? That was from way before that?”

“The photograph of you fucking my wife?” Ed says, as though suddenly he has a little fire in his belly.

“She wasn’t your wife then,” Jax snarls. “You two weren’t even together.”

“Because she was too busy screwing you every chance she got to notice me,” he sniffs. “Not until Huxley…” he trails off as though he’s said too much.

Jax narrows his eyes as though fishing for a memory. “Her dog, Huxley? Someone hurt him real bad and left him on her front porch,” Jax hisses. “She was heartbroken. She even phoned me while I was in LA to tell me. You patched him up. You knew exactly how to treat his wounds so he wouldn’t die, because you caused them, didn’t you?” Jax snarls.

Ed nods his head. “I gave him a sedative while I did it, so he wouldn’t feel anything.”

“No, you gave him a sedative so he wouldn’t know it was you who hurt him and bite your fucking face off when he woke up,” Jax barks.

“It was the only way to get her to notice me,” Ed sobs, full of self-pity and not a thought for the poor dog he abused.

“You are evil,” I spit at him.

Jax puts an arm around me and presses a soft kiss on my head. “It’s okay, baby. We’ll make him pay for everything, I promise,” he whispers before he turns back to Ed. “So you took that photograph and what? Just kept hold of it? How many others did you take?”

“None of the two of you. I swear.”

“And Lucia and me? You filmed us at the barn?”

Ed stares at him, his mouth open and no sound coming out.

“You’re up, Luce,” Jax says and I step toward him with my shears.

“Yes. Yes I did it,” Ed admits.

I feel like chopping all of his toes off for that, but I know I’m not allowed to yet.


“He’s blackmailing me. He said he’d tell Shannon about what I covered up back in Virginia. He had that girl killed but the trail wouldn’t lead back to him, it would lead straight back to me and Vince.”

“Vincent Kane? The coroner?”

“Yeah. He told me that you knew about it. That you were the one who dug it all up again. That was why I had to leave my home town,” Ed sniffs.

“And then I went and fucked the woman you wanted to marry?” Jax snarls.

Ed simply nods as he glares at him.

“Who told you all this? Who is blackmailing you?”

“Foster Carmichael, who else?”

“But you were happy to help him out just so you could get a little revenge too, right?”

“I was just supposed to take a few pictures of you that we could use to set you up…”