Hugo accompanied me every day, and while men weren’t usually allowed inside the place, he was given special permission by Kristen, as long as he kept to himself and stayed with me at all times.

That rule had lasted about five minutes though, because the kids loved him, and they were constantly pestering him to play soccer or baseball or check out some video game. More often than not, he politely refused because he rarely let me out of his sight. But now that I had my own lockable office, he was a little more open to giving in to the kids requests occasionally.

I had told him to go and have fun about half an hour earlier, when I’d known I wouldn’t be leaving the office for a while.

The women and children who lived here were so inspiring and they made me count my blessings every single day.

I looked around the little office Kristen had set aside for me and blinked back tears of happiness. I really felt like I belonged here. I loved working with Kristen and the other shelter workers, and I loved that I could put my fundraising skills to good use. I’d managed to raise almost half a million dollars in donations in the past few weeks and it gave me such a sense of purpose.

And just as my working life was starting to take off, my personal life had taken a pleasant upswing too. Not only was my husband incredibly sexy, but he was a machine in bed. I felt the tightening in my core as I thought about the things that man could do to my body.

He was still the devil incarnate, but he was an incredibly talented one. It had been two weeks since we’d first had sex, and whenever we were together, we’d done little else since. I found myself thinking about what he was doing throughout the day, and counted down the hours until I could be alone with him again.

I wondered if he did the same. I knew that he didn’t do love. He’d made himself perfectly clear many times about that fact, but whenever he came home at night, he always seemed to be as desperate as I was to get to bed. Although more often than not, we never even made it that far before he was tearing my clothes off.

I shook my head to clear it. He probably never thought about me much at all when he was working. He was too busy running the Montoya empire, not to mention he was constantly surrounded by beautiful women at his hotel. I smiled to myself as an idea popped into my head. Maybe there was a way to make sure he was thinking about me, if only for a little while?

I picked up my cell and dialed his number. I knew that what I was about to do was dangerous, but I had come to enjoy trying to push Alejandro’s buttons, especially as I now knew exactly which ones to press.

‘Hola, princesa,’ he answered, his voice low and gravelly.

‘Hey,’ I breathed as goosebumps prickled along my arms. Even the sound of his voice made me weak at the knees.

‘Is everything okay? It’s not like you to call me in the middle of the day?’

‘I know,’ I purred. ‘But I was just wondering if I had permission to buy myself some panties from the store. There’s a Target at the end of the block, and I have a meeting this afternoon with some possible donors. My skirt is really short today, and I don’t want them getting a glimpse of anything they shouldn’t and investing for the wrong reasons, do I?’ I stifled a giggle.

‘What?’ I heard the growl in his throat. ‘You left the house with no panties on?’

‘Yes,’ I purred.

‘What the fuck!’ he snapped. ‘Where are you?’

‘At the shelter.’

‘The shelter? How did you get there?’

‘Hugo drove me, of course.’

‘So, you’ve been sitting in the back seat of Hugo’s car with no panties and a short skirt on?’

‘Yes,’ I stifled another giggle.

‘Alana! Why the fuck would you do that?’ he barked.

‘Because you said no panties. I thought that was the rule.’

‘You had better be fucking kidding me with this!’ he snarled and I suddenly pictured him sitting at his desk with steam coming out of his ears.

I couldn’t hold my laughter in any longer and I burst into a fit of giggles.

‘Alana!’ he shouted.

‘I’m just playing with you,’ I said when I could finally breathe.

‘So, you are wearing panties?’

‘Of course I am. I’m sorry. But you’re so easy,’ I laughed again but he didn’t join in with me and I wondered if he’d appreciated the joke at all.