“Let me do the talking?” I ask. It’s usually him who’d do that.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Like a reverse Jacksonville?”

I nod my head. A few years ago, we went to Jacksonville to deal with a bunch of rednecks who had assaulted Alejandro’s cousin, Lauren, while she was working a case in Florida. She’s a lawyer but she lives in London now. He started with the talking and when he didn’t like what they had to say, I shot one of them and we made the others fight until there was only one left standing, before I put a bullet in his head too. “Exactly like that.”

We walk into the yard and see four guys standing around a bonfire, each of them holding a bottle of beer in their hands.

“You think they got any women here?” Alejandro asks, looking around the yard.

“I hope not,” I hiss, because that would sure complicate matters.

As we draw closer, I notice one of them wearing a red cap with a Motor Oil logo on it, like my father said.

“Who the fuck are you?” the one with red cap snarls.

“I hear you might be looking for work?” I say, holding my hands up in surrender.

“Fuck you!” one of them spits tobacco into the fire.

“What kind of work?” red cap asks.

“We need someone taking care of,” I say, narrowing my eyes as I take in my surroundings.

The one with the chewing tobacco has a gun in his waistband. The two standing on the opposite side of the fire look unarmed and also stoned. Red cap seems to be in charge.

“You seem like you’re capable of taking care of people yourself,” Tobacco snarls.

“Yeah, but you did such a good job on that guy in Rocky’s the other night.”

That makes them bristle in suspicion and they stand glaring at us.

“Fuck. I don’t have time for this,” I sigh.

“Jacksonville?” Alejandro says.

“Yeah. Take out Tobacco first.”

While the four men stare at me, wondering who I am and whether I’m fishing for information or genuinely looking to hire their services, Alejandro takes his gun and pops a bullet straight into tobacco guy’s neck. He clutches his throat as blood pours through his fingers before he falls face first into the fire.

The two who appeared stoned suddenly wake from their trance, the adrenaline pumping into their veins as they realize they’re in danger. They start to look around like frightened animals.

“What the fuck?” Red cap shrieks as he looks at his fallen comrade currently roasting on the bonfire.

Alejandro points his gun at him. “Shut the fuck up,” he snarls and Red cap closes his mouth and glares at us instead.

“Come here,” I say to one of the frightened ones.

He blinks at me.

“You want to end up like your friend there?” I nod to the guy in flames.

He shakes his head.

“Then come the fuck here.”

He walks over to me, his legs shaking. These guys aren’t professionals by any stretch. Just a group of bullies who prey on people weaker than them. When he reaches me, I spin him around to face his buddies. “Only one of you is walking out of this house. You got me?”

“Y-yeah,” he stammers.