“I’d rather come help you two,” she says, popping an eyebrow.

“No, angel,” I say, pulling her close and kissing her forehead. “I need you and Matthias safe. Please go home.”

“We’re only going to scare a few red-necks, mija, we’ll be just fine,” her father assures her.

She rolls her eyes. “Please be careful. Both of you,” she hugs each of us in turn before she climbs into the back of the car with our son.

Alejandro and I watch the SUV pull out of the parking lot. “Am I gonna get my suit dirty in your beat up truck?” he asks me.

“Hey, Darlene might be old, but she’s clean,” I tell him.

“Darlene? You named your truck Darlene?”


He frowns at me in disgust. “Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my best buddy?” he asks with a shake of his head as he starts walking toward the old Ford I drive when I’m down here. “I mean in LA you wear good suits and drive a fucking Goliath. I mean it’s a truck, but it’s a beast.”

“And your point is?” I ask as I open the driver door.

“Here you wear jeans and cowboy boots and drive an old jalopy that you’ve named Darlene.”

I laugh at the look of horror on his face, but before I can come up with a snappy comeback, the sound of someone shouting my name makes us both turn.

“Jackson,” she shouts again as she jogs across the parking lot.

“Who the fuck is that?” Alejandro snarls.


“Ah, I didn’t recognize her with her clothes on.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Just don’t.”

He holds his hands up in surrender.

“I’ve been wanting to speak to you,” she says, slightly out of breath when she reaches me.

“Here I am.”

“I kind of wanted to catch you on your own.” She looks over at Alejandro who crosses his arms over his chest and glares at her.

“There’s nothing you can’t say to me in front of him,” I tell her. It’s the truth, but also he would roast my balls on a skewer if I asked for a minute alone with her.

She licks her lips as she looks at him and then sighs. “I did something kind of stupid,” she finally says.

Well, now she has both of our attention. “How stupid?”

“Like, I may have gotten you into some trouble, stupid. I’m sorry, Jackson, you know how sometimes my mouth runs away with me.”

“What did you do, Shan?”

She chews on her bottom lip, looking up at me through her thick, dark lashes and I feel the anger radiating from Alejandro like the heat from an open fire.

“Shannon?” I snarl.

“I was talking to the sheriff. He came to the store asking about the ad your daddy placed, and then he was asking about the two of you…”
