“What the fuck does that say?” Jax mutters as we both walk to the bed.

Harvey is clutching the stone in his hand while Matthias stares at him.

“Did I do something wrong, Dad?” he asks Jax who puts a hand on his shoulder.

“No, son. But, what did you paint on your rock?”

Harvey wipes his eyes and opens his mouth to speak but his words are choked by another sob.

“Grandpa,” Matthias whispers. “Harvey is your daddy, and you’re my daddy, so he’s my grandpa like Papa, right?”

“That’s right,” Jax replies before he plants a soft kiss on the top of our son’s head.

Harvey takes Matthias’s hand in his. “That is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” he sniffs. “Thank you.”

At this praise, Matthias beams proudly and I watch the three of them. Three generations. I’m happy that my son has another grandparent in his life. As far as I’m concerned, the more people that love him, the better. But mostly I’m happy that Jax is allowing his father back into his life. He deserves to be surrounded with people who love him too.

When Matthias has asked Harvey at least two dozen questions and told him all about his and Jax’s plan to get a puppy just like Blue, I take him with me to get him a juice box and the rest of us a coffee. I know that Jax needs to speak to him without Matthias around.

“That was a really sweet thing you did for Grandpa Harvey,” I say as I hold his little hand in mine and we walk through the hallways to find the cafeteria.

“I wanted to make him something he could keep forever,” he says with a proud smile. “Rocks last forever, you know?”

“They do, huh?”


“You know what else lasts forever?” I ask him.

“What?” he blinks up at me.

“A momma’s kisses,” I pick him up and smother his face with kisses, making him giggle.

“No they don’t,” he squeals.

“Oh yes they do.” I insist. “Once a momma kisses her child, she creates a special kind of magic. You can still feel it forever.”

“You can?” he asks, his eyes wide.

“Yup. Whenever you want to feel your momma’s kiss, you just close your eyes and put your hand right here,” I place his little hand over his heart. “Then you remember real hard and you’ll feel it.”

He scrunches his eyes tightly closed and I press a feather light kiss on his cheek. “Wow. I do feel it,” he says.

I hug him tighter and smile. Yep, I could definitely handle a few more of these.


“That sheriff was in here asking questions again this morning,” my father says as he struggles to push himself into a more upright position in the bed with his busted hand.

“Here let me help you, old man,” I say as I tuck my arm under his and hoist him up.

“Less of the old. I’m in the prime of my life here.”

“Yeah, you look it,” I laugh as I sit back down.

“He’s itching to throw you in jail, son.”

“What did he say?”