“I told you I wanted to show you something.” I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and open the email with the images of her and Jax. I scroll to the one of them sucking each other’s faces and hand it to her.

The reaction on her face is of shock and disgust, and it seems genuine, unless she’s an amazing actress. Maybe she is?

She peers closer at the screen. “Is that supposed to be me and Jax?”

I flick to the next image, which is the two of them sitting in the same restaurant, but their faces are much clearer. “You tell me.”

“What the hell? Who? Where?” she snarls as she glares at me. “You know that’s not me, Lucia. Me and Jax. We’ve never… Where the hell did you get those?”

“Toni, please?” I beg her. “Is there something going on with you two?”

Her face softens a little. “No, Lucia. There is only one person in your relationship I have any interest in that way, and we both know who that is,” she whispers and my cheeks flush pink.

“But these pictures?”

“I don’t know what magic fuckery someone has pulled, but I’m telling you that is not Jax and me. Why the hell would someone want you to think that it was?”

“They were sent to me and my dad. I think the sender wanted us to doubt Jax. To think that you and he were trying to extort money from us. I dunno,” I shake my head. None of this makes any sense to me, and the one person who could make sense of it all is on the other side of the country.

“I don’t follow,” she says with a frown. “Extort money how?”

“That’s the other thing I need to tell you about,” I say as I pull the brown envelope from my purse and hand it to her. “Somebody took videos of us in Dallas.”

I watch Toni’s face as she flicks through the still images of her, Jax and me. I didn’t bring the other ones of just Jax and me. She doesn’t need to see those too. Her pretty features are pulled into a frown of disgust and anger. “Sick fucks,” she hisses. “How fucking dare they!”

“I-I’m sorry,” I mumble. “We had no idea anyone was watching.”

“I know,” she shakes her head. “I bet Jax is pissed? Is that why he’s not here? Is he currently tearing people apart as we speak?”

“It’s a long story,” I say with a sigh. “But my father saw them too.”

“Oh, Lucia,” she puts her gloved hand on my arm. “I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah. It was kind of awful. I mean…”

“I get it. Fuck!” she hisses. “So what did they want?”

Toni listens intently as I tell her about the demand for money and how we paid it. “Jax is hoping to find the source of the videos so they never see the light of day,” I finish.

“He will,” she gives me a reassuring nod. “That’s kind of his thing, right?”

“Yeah. So, I’ll let you know if they make any more threats or if the video is leaked anywhere,” I say awkwardly, not sure what the correct etiquette is for such situations. “And I’m sorry, Toni.”

“Hey, it’s not on you to apologize. I hope you find who did this and that your husband and father deal with them in their own special way, but don’t worry about me. I don’t give a rat’s ass who sees me eating a hot girl’s pussy. Okay?” She winks at me.

“Okay,” I can’t help but laugh at her. She is both the one of the most laid back, and at the same time, aggressive, people I know.

“Hey. Is that why you’ve brought your father? Were you two planning on stuffing me into the trunk of his car or something?” She arches one eyebrow at me and grins, but I know she’s only half joking.

“No, he brought the Bugatti anyway. Not sure you’d fit.”

She nods her agreement just as my father is making his way over to us. “You two all done?” he asks with a smile.

“Yeah,” I say.

“Good. Can I have a word?” he says to her, and suddenly he’s all business. The atmosphere in the small gym changes in an instant.

She narrows her eyes at him. Toni Moretti is nobody’s fool.