“Ugh,” I groan but I follow him through the house and we head to the kitchen, where the boys will surely be soon when they’re dry from the pool.

Realizing we’re alone for the time being, I wrap my arms around Jax’s neck and trail soft kisses over his jaw. “I really missed you,” I murmur against his skin.

“You’re going to make me hard in your parent’s kitchen if you don’t stop that and aren’t I in enough trouble already?” he laughs softly just as my mom walks into the room.

I step back from him as though he’s given me an electric shock.

“You can hug your husband, Lucia,” she says softly in my ear as she reaches me. Then she looks up at Jax. “Alex asked if you could see him in his office.”

“Sure.” he kisses me softly. “Be back soon.”

I watch his fine ass walk out of the door as my mom makes herself a tea. “You want one of these, sweetheart? They’re supposed to be soothing?” she laughs softly.

“Then I guess you’d better hit me up, Mom,” I say with a roll of my eyes. Although I think it will take more than tea to soothe me.

When she’s done, she brings them to the counter and sets them down before perching herself on a stool.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I whisper.

She looks at me, deadpan. “What for?”

“For the video. I feel like I’ve brought shame on the family.”

“The Montoya family?” she arches an eyebrow at me. “Sweetheart, nothing you could do would ever bring shame on this family. The Montoyas have had worse scandals than this, and they’re just the ones they didn’t cover up.”

“But Papa was talking about his legacy…”

“He doesn’t want to appear weak in front of his enemies. You know how stubborn he is. Giving into blackmailers is not in his nature.”

“Do you think he shouldn’t pay them?”

“I agree with Jax. He needs more time and he can use the money to trace whoever did this.”

“Is that the only reason?” I ask. “Don’t you care if those videos of me get out there?” I whisper.

She reaches out and places her hand over mine. “Of course I do, sweetheart, but your father paying that money isn’t the key to making that happen. Blackmailers don’t stop once they get what they want. They keep asking for more. But I think he should pay it so that it gives him and Jax a chance to find them, and then they deal with it in their own unique way. That’s the way to ensure nobody ever sees those images.”

“What if they can’t though?”

She raises one eyebrow at me. “This is your father and Jax we’re talking about.”

She’s right. They are the best at what they do. If anyone can find out whoever took those videos, it’s those two.

“Anyway, what’s the worst that could happen, Lucia? So they do get out there? You were engaging in something private with your husband.”

“Mom!” I blush at the mere thought.

“Is there anything worse than having your father see them?”

“Grandpa Matteo?” I offer.

“He wouldn’t look at stuff like that. Your grandma would kill him.”


“By the time he’s old enough, they won’t even be a memory,” she says with a wink. “All I’m saying, sweetheart, is that you are not the only person in that video. You did nothing wrong, and only small minded people would judge you for it, and you don’t need those kinds of people in your life.”

“Hmm,” I murmur, still not quite convinced.