He nods his head in agreement.

“Does Alana know?” I ask.


“What did she say?”

“After she picked her jaw up from the floor, she said the same as you, that I need to tell Lucia. But she agreed to let me wait until I’d spoken to you.”

“That woman always did speak sense,” I say, standing up and straightening my shirt.

“Let’s go tell her you’re back then,” he says, gesturing to the door.


“Watch me, Momma,” Matthias shouts as he cannon-balls into the pool, splashing me and my mom in the process.

“Well done, baby,” I laugh, clapping my hands.

“That was so good,” my mom adds as I grab a towel and dry off my face while Matthias and my twin brothers play.

I got back to LA yesterday and I didn’t want to stay at Jax’s house on my own so Matthias and I are staying with my parents until he’s back. I know that Jax prefers it that way too, and my son loves spending time at this house, where all but one of his favorite people in the world currently are.

He cried last night after he spoke to Jax on the phone and my heart broke for him. I told him that Harvey was sick and Jax had to stay and help look after him for a few days, but it’s hard for a kid to understand, I suppose. All he knows is that he misses his daddy and wants him to come home. I played it down to Jax though when I spoke to him later. I know he has enough to worry about trying to find out who hurt Harvey and wondering whether he’s going to pull through.

I got straight back to work to try and take my mind off things and I could see how grateful my father was for a little help. He’s been so distracted today though. I think he misses Jax almost as much as Matthias and I do.

“Dad!” Matthias shrieks and I turn around to see Jax walking out of the house with my father and my heart almost bursts at the sight of him.

“Hey, buddy,” he shouts as our son scrambles out of the pool and runs to him. Jax scoops him into his arms, not caring that he gets soaking wet in the process.

“I missed you,” Matthias giggles.

“Missed you too, little guy. Have you been good?”

“Sure have,” Matthias beams with pride.

I walk over to them both with a huge smile on my face. “What are you doing back so soon?” I ask as I reach them.

He glances at my father and something about the look they share makes my heart sink. He’s not back here for something good. “Is it Harvey?” I whisper.

“Why don’t you go play with Hugo and the twins?” Jax says, kissing Matthias on the forehead before placing him back on his feet. “And then we can all have some dinner?”

“Can we have ice-cream?” he asks with a grin.


“Okay,” Matthias says with a shrug before running back to the pool.

“What is it?” I ask as my mom walks up behind me.

“We should go to your father’s office,” he replies.

“Here you go, sweetheart,” my mom says as she hands me my sundress.

Taking it from her, I pull it over my head as my stomach flutters with anxiety. “What’s going on? Why are you back? Is something wrong?” I fire questions at all three of them but none of them answer.

“Come on, angel,” Jax says, wrapping an arm around my waist. “We’ll explain everything.”