He shakes his head.

“Come on. I’ve known you since I was fourteen. What the hell is it that you can’t trust me?”

“I don’t know anything,” Jacob insists. “Something happened this morning that made Mr. Montoya as mad as hell. I haven’t seen him so angry in a long time. Alana was doing all she could to calm him down, but…” he shakes his head. “Then Lucia arrived back from taking Matthias to school and it was like they were pretending nothing had happened.”

I close my eyes and take deep breaths, wondering what the hell I’m about to walk into.


Jacob’s car hasn’t even fully stopped when I open the doors and jump out, running to the front door of the house. It’s opened before I reach it, by one of Alejandro’s security detail.

“Where is he?” I ask.

“In his office,” he says with a curt nod.

“And my wife?”

“In the pool with her mom and the boys. He’s asked that you don’t speak to them and go directly to his office.”

“Fuck that,” I snarl as I push past him.

“Jax,” the guard hisses. “I have my orders. You are not to go back there. Please don’t make me take you down.”

“You think you could?”

He glares at me. “There are a dozen more men who would stop you before you get back there.”

“A dozen?”

He nods solemnly and I swallow hard. He never has that many men at his house. What the fuck is this? “Fine. I’ll go see him.”

“Thank you,” he replies and then he steps aside before he escorts me to his boss’s office.

I mean Alejandro is technically my boss too, but I never really think of him as that. While he might give me my orders, he also treats me as his equal. The guard opens the door for me and I walk inside. Alejandro is staring out of the window, but at the sound of the door closing he spins around. His eyes lock on mine and I swear I haven’t seen him this pissed since I told him I was in a relationship with his daughter.

“What the hell is going on?” I ask.

He grips the back of his office chair, his knuckles turning white with the effort of controlling the rage that is clearly coursing through his body.

“I fucking trusted you, Jax,” he snarls. “She’s my fucking daughter and you... you…” he puts a hand over his face and sucks the air through his teeth, as though he can’t even bear to say the words.

Meanwhile, I stand here wondering what the fuck I could have possibly done that would make him think he couldn’t trust me with his daughter’s safety. Like her and Matthias aren’t always my number one priority.

“I what?” I snap.

He nods to a brown envelope on the desk. “That came this morning,” he hisses.

I frown as I pick it up and pull out the contents. And as soon as I do, I realize why he’s so pissed at me. In fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t punched me in the mouth yet. No father should ever see his daughter like that. But I think he could shoot me right now and I wouldn’t feel a thing because I’m filled with a burning rage and anger, the likes I’ve only ever felt once before and that was when she was taken from me by some psychopath who was obsessed with her.

Bile burns my throat as I think about the sick piece of shit who must have taken these videos of her. There are five photographs in the envelope but they are clearly stills from two separate video clips.

Two of them are from when I fucked her on the porch of our barn. She’s wearing her tank top and the fact that her jeans are pulled down, as well as what I’m doing with my hand is obscured by the wooden rails, but it’s clear we’re having sex.

In fact that particular still image they used, is obviously the point when she was coming. The realization that anyone but me has seen that makes me want to go on a murderous rampage of epic proportions. My blood boils in my veins as I look at each one. Each violation of our privacy, not that I care much about mine, but I do about hers. That someone has seen her like this is like a knife in my heart. But losing my shit and raging at the world is not going to help us right now. It’s not going to find out who took these videos and pictures, or why.

But I suspect, that the images of me and her alone are not the images Alejandro is pissed at me about.

I slide the photographs back inside the envelope. I don’t need to see them again to have them burned into my brain. I mean I was there. I know exactly what happened.