She places her hands on my cheeks and kisses me. “I love it. I love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

Then with my hand on her ass and her hand in the back pocket of my jeans, we walk into the stadium to find our ringside seats.

I mostly watch Lucia instead of the fight, her eyes shining with happiness as she watches the sport she’s come to enjoy so much.

“Wow! They’re so good,” she shouts to be heard over the crowd. “It’s so much better watching live.”

“It sure is.”

I slide an arm around her shoulder and when Toni finally comes into the ring, the crowd goes wild with cheering and applause. She is the star of the show and she knows it. She laps up the attention like she was born for it. Playing to the crowd and taunting her opponent, whom I happen to know is a good friend of hers. When she sees Lucia and me, she gives Lucia a wave and my girl squeals with delight.

“She waved at us,” she says with a huge grin. “I feel so important.”

I laugh and shake my head. Her father is the king of fucking LA and she’s the heir to the entire Montoya empire, along with her little brothers of course, but getting waved at by Toni Moretti is what makes her feel like a VIP. At least half of the people in this room would know her family name, but she has no clue how powerful and special she really is. And that is one of the many things I love about her.


My entire body is alive and sizzling with nervous energy as we walk through the stadium. I loved the whole night. All of the fighters were so skilled. I figure I picked up a few tricks I can try on Toni at our next training session — not that she wouldn’t already know them all herself. Damn, hadn’t thought of that!

“You enjoy yourself, baby?” Jax asks, pressing a kiss on my forehead as he slings an arm around my shoulder.

“Yes. I loved it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“It’s a shame we couldn’t go back there and speak with Toni though,” I say with a sigh.

“She’s busy with press and PR people and she has a few meet the fans things to do,” he says with a shrug.

“I guess,” I say, feeling a little deflated. “Would have been nice to see her is all.”

“You’ll see her, baby,” he laughs softly. “She’s meeting us in a bar a few blocks away when she’s finished up in there.”

“She is?” I stare at him.

“Yep. You think she would come all this way and not say hi to her biggest fan?” he teases me.

“I’m not her biggest fan.”

“No?” he laughs again and the sound rumbles through his chest.

“Maybe one of the biggest, but not the biggest,” I admit.

“I have to warn you, she can be a bit of an asshole after a fight. Must be all the adrenaline and the adulation going to her head or something.”

“She’s always an asshole,” I remind him.


Toni rolls her glass in her hand making the ice clink against the sides. She licks her lips as she signals the waitress for a refill.

“I see you still love your bourbon?” Jax says with a smile as he leans back on the bench, his arm draped around my shoulder.

“Can’t beat it.” She winks at him. “Reminds me of our weekend in Cabo.”

Jax shakes his head and groans.