I open my mouth in mock indignation and he laughs softly.

“Once I teach you to ride properly, there’s going to be no stopping you. I could see how you were getting the bug for it last time we were down here. And I just don’t want you getting sore, angel. Not from a horse anyway.”

I frown at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “So, what are we doing today?”

“We’ll still go for a ride. A nice gentle one on Bastian here. Me and him will show you around all of our favorite spots,” he says, reaching for my hand.

I try to glare at him, but the idea of spending a few hours on the back of a horse with Jax’s arms around me while he shows me some of this beautiful country, sounds pretty good to me.

“Fine,” I say with a sigh. “I can’t help but feel like you have an ulterior motive though, cowboy.”

“And what could that possibly be, angel?”

I put my foot into the stirrup and Jax puts his hand on my ass to give me a lift. I look down at him once I’m seated. “Like you’re going to take me to some secluded spot and fuck my brains out?”

He laughs out loud before shaking his head. Then he climbs onto Bastian behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and scooting me back a little so I’m pressed against his body. “Not today, baby,” he whispers in my ear.

After our ride, Jax showed me how to take off Bastian’s saddle and make sure he was cooled down and hydrated before we put him back in his stable. It was almost dusk by the time we got back to the barn. We took some steaks from the fridge and Jax barbecued them while I made a potato salad and then we sat on the porch, eating dinner, drinking wine and talking.

It has been a perfect, relaxing day — so different from our life in LA.

“You think you could get used to living out here?” he asks as I stare into the darkness, watching the fireflies in the distance.

“Hmm, maybe. It sure is peaceful here, but I think I’d miss LA though. You?”

“I like it when I’m here, and when I’m in LA I think about how peaceful it is back here, but yeah, I miss home too. I really miss the kid,” he says with a soft laugh as he leans back in his chair.

He and Matthias spent half an hour on a video call before dinner talking about nothing but Avengers and dinosaurs.

“Me too,” I admit.

“He’s gonna love this house.”

“He sure is. His little face when you showed him his room here was so cute,” I chuckle. “We should figure out a way to spend more time here. I mean you can do a lot of what you do from anywhere, right? As long as you have a good WIFI connection.”

“Yeah,” he says with a nod as he stares out across the fields.

“I like how relaxed you are out here.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “You do?”

“Hmm. You’re much less grumpy.” I take a sip of my wine and stifle a grin.

“Oh, angel.” He shakes his head. “Now I know you did not just call me grumpy.”

I arch an eyebrow at him and bite on my lip, then I tilt my head in challenge. “Pretty sure I did.”

He’s up off his seat before I can take another breath, picking me up, he hoists me over his shoulder and I spill half my wine on the floor.

“Jax!” I shriek half in surprise and half in laughter.

He takes the wine glass from my hand and puts it onto the table, before slapping my ass and making me squeal. Sliding the French doors closed, he carries me up the stairs and into our bedroom before tossing me onto the bed.

I stare up at him as his eyes burn into my skin.

“Grumpy?” he asks with a low growl that vibrates through my entire body.

“Yes,” I whisper, fluttering my eyelashes.