“You know it’s unlikely to happen that quickly, right?”

“Well we’ll never know unless we test the theory out.” His hand skates over my stomach until it’s splayed over my abdomen. “So, what do you say, baby? You gonna let me put my baby in you?”

I can’t deny the thought of having Jax’s baby fills me with excitement, but this is a big deal. “We’ve been married less than two days and you already want me barefoot and pregnant?”

He arches one eyebrow at me. “I never said you had to be barefoot.”

I push against his chest, but he’s so huge he doesn’t budge at all.

“Besides, Matthias is desperate for a little brother or sister,” he reminds me, going for the jugular.

“I know. He tells me almost every day, and you encourage him.”

His face breaks out into a huge grin as he pulls me closer until I’m pressed against him and I feel his hardening cock digging into my abdomen. “I support him. That’s what dad’s do.”

“You are the best dad,” I admit. He is incredible with my son, Matthias. No-one who saw them together would have any idea that Jax isn’t his biological father.

“Make me one again,” he whispers, his breath dusting over my cheek and making goosebumps break out all over my body.

Holy mother of God. How the hell do I refuse an offer like that?

“Okay, no more birth control pills,” I agree.

“Good girl,” he laughs softly before he scoops me up into his arms, making me yelp in surprise. “Might as well get started right away.”

“Well, I haven’t taken one for over twenty-four hours now, so…” I grin at him.

“Really?” He tosses me into the middle of the bed.

“No. You know I take them at night.”

He pulls his t-shirt off over his head and climbs onto the bed, holding himself over me. “Something about fucking you and knowing that I could be getting you pregnant makes me feel like a fucking animal, baby. I want to fill you so full of my cum that your pussy is bursting with it.”

“Damn, Jax,” I whisper. I’m pretty sure he could knock me up with his dirty talk alone.


“Damn, your ass looks good in those jeans, cowboy,” I say as I follow Jax into the stables.

He turns and gives me a cheeky wink. We’ve had the perfect morning, sleeping late and having slow, lazy morning sex, before a huge breakfast of pancakes and bacon. After which I insisted that we need to leave the barn for the rest of the day for some sunshine and fresh air. Besides, I want to practice my riding. I learned a little when I was here last, but I feel rusty already.

“Horse is all ready for you, boss,” Cody steps into view, leading Jax’s horse, a beautiful black stallion named Bastian. Cody is one of the ranch hands here I met last year.

“Thanks, kid,” Jax replies.

I put my hands on my hips and frown. “Horse? Just one?”

“I was only asked to get Bastian ready, Ma’am,” Cody tips his hat at me.

Ma’am? I suppress a smile at his sudden formality. He’s about the same age as me and has worked here since he left high school. When I was last here, he called me Lucia.

“What about my horse?” I ask Jax.

“Beat it kid,” he says to Cody with a grin. Cody hands him the horse’s reins, before tipping his hat at both of us and walking out of the stable.

“I thought you were teaching me to ride?” I ask, my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Hmm,” Jax rubs a hand over the stubble on his jaw and something about the way he does it makes heat flush over my chest. He is too handsome for his own good. “Well, I don’t want you overdoing it now, do I? You’re not used to riding, at least not horses…” He flashes his eyebrows at me.