“Well, he’s not wrong. On either front.”

I gasp in feigned indignation. “I can walk just fine, thank you,” I insist, even though my pussy is throbbing so much from last nights and this morning’s activities that I swear I can still feel Jax inside me.

“Then maybe I need to fuck you harder next time,” he whispers as he leans down and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek. “Now all of my clothes are in the bags downstairs. I’m going to go get dressed and start breakfast.”

“I need some clothes too,” I say, jumping up from the bed.

He looks me over as I stand here in a skimpy white towel, his eyes narrowed as he appraises me before he slowly shakes his head. “Not sure you’re gonna be needing any clothes this week, angel.”

“Not even for dinner tonight at the house?” I grin. “And you promised to take me riding, and help me practice my shooting.”

He rubs a hand over the thick stubble on his jaw as though he’s considering my request. “Hmm. I do kind of have a surprise lined up for Tuesday night too, and as that also requires you leaving this house, I’m definitely going to need you to be wearing clothes for that.”

“Another surprise?” I squeal, clapping my hands together in excitement. “What is it?”

“Now if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it?” He steps toward me, giving me a soft, chaste kiss on the cheek before he smacks my ass and grabs it hard. “I’ll go bring our bags up.”


I hold onto Jax’s hand as we stroll through the grass toward the main house. We’ve had an incredible day not doing much at all. He cooked us a huge breakfast and afterward we watched a movie. Then we went for a long walk and when we stopped for a rest under a huge tree, we lay in the grass for the longest time, just kissing.

This afternoon, I sat on his lap in the huge rocking chair and we just talked and watched Blue chasing a rabbit before I fell asleep. Jax carried me inside then and we both took a nap. He said it was the first time he’d taken an afternoon nap in his entire adult life.

I woke up wrapped in his arms, with the sun setting and a soft breeze blowing through doors leading to the balcony. It’s been like something from a movie.

I sigh contentedly and he squeezes my hand in his.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Way better than okay.” I smile at him. “You?”

“Starving,” he replies.

As soon as we get to the house, Molly rushes out to greet us, as though she didn’t see us yesterday at our wedding.

“What did you think of the barn, Lucia? Didn’t Harvey do a great job with it?” she asks as she ushers us inside and into the large kitchen where Harvey is busy finalizing dinner.

“Yes he did. I love it. It’s beyond perfect,” I agree.

Harvey smiles to himself and I walk over to him and give him a peck on the cheek. I’ve decided that I can be nice and polite to him, even if Jax struggles to.

Jax asks Molly about her flight as they both take a seat at the table.

“Can I help with anything?” I ask Harvey.

“No, you go sit yourself down,” he insists. “It’s almost ready.”

I do as he says and take a seat next to Jax, who hasn’t even acknowledged his father’s presence yet.

When Harvey has served up his delicious looking chicken casserole and Jax has his mouth full of food, I start talking.

I hate to eat in silence. Family dinners should be about laughter and conversation. I never had that growing up, not until I was adopted by Alejandro and Alana when I was seventeen, who are both into the whole family dinner thing. So now, I always make sure Jax, Matthias and I eat dinner at the table at home in LA, and that we all talk about something.

“Can I ask where you got that beautiful rocking chair on the porch, Harvey?”

He wipes some gravy from his chin and blinks at me before glancing at Jax as though he’s waiting for permission to speak, and it makes me feel so sad for him.

“Did you restore it yourself?” I ask another question because he wouldn’t be rude enough to go on ignoring me.