“You sure you don’t need any help?”

“Nope. Go relax, baby, and I’ll be up to take care of you soon.”

I kiss his beautiful lips and then head up the stairs to explore the second floor.


After I bring our bags in and finish locking up, I check the fridge. It’s fully stocked like I asked and I also notice a bottle of champagne in there that wasn’t on the shopping list I sent ahead.

I pick it up and examine the label. It’s a good vintage. But, I suppose booze is an area of expertise for my father. Shaking my head, I slide it back into the fridge to save for tomorrow.

I half expect Lucia will be sound asleep by the time I get upstairs. It’s almost one a.m. here, and we’re still on L.A time so it’s been a long day for both of us. I might just wake her anyway and fuck her back to sleep in our new bed, in our new house.

I look around the expansive kitchen with a huge island in the center, just like Lucia talked about. When she first mentioned the possibility of turning this old barn into a house for us, I dismissed it, thinking that we’d spend so little time here, it would be easier to stay in the main house. It’s certainly big enough. But when I realized just how much she and Matthias had fallen in love with this ranch, I knew I had to make a home here for us. A place to call our own. A place where I can make her come as loudly as I want without her having to spend the next morning blushing every time someone looked at her.

I have to hand it to Harvey, he has risen to this particular challenge. Yeah, it was the contractors who did the work, but he oversaw every aspect of it. He must have done to have the place looking like this — exactly how she described it to me. I’ve spent the last six months pumping her for information, under the guise of daily chit chat over our morning coffee, and then passing it onto Harvey.

I had wondered about the implications of asking him. I mean I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about me and him. Just because we were in contact, didn’t mean our relationship had changed. It was all about the house, and nothing more. To his credit, he never pushed for more, and he did a great job here. And the look on her face when we pulled up outside. Fuck me! She looked like a kid on Christmas morning. I can’t believe she actually thought I’d take her to my aunt’s and father’s house for our honeymoon. She expects so little yet deserves so much.

I grab two bottles of water and switch off the lights before heading up to bed. When I walk into the room, she’s lying under the covers, her arms behind her head and thankfully not asleep.

“I was just about to come find you,” she says with a smile.

I start to pull off my shirt. “Sorry, baby, I was just locking up.”

“Always so security conscious,” she giggles. “Even here in the middle of nowhere.”

I arch an eyebrow at her. “Even here, Luce. I would never take a chance with your safety. You know that.”

“I do,” she grins at me. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to ride you on that rocking chair on the porch, cowboy.”

“Well, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t, baby.”

Sitting on the bed, I pull off my boots and toss them into the corner before taking off the rest of my clothes.

“I hope you’re naked under there, Mrs. Decker,” I say as I slip beneath the covers.

“Of course,” she breathes as I slide my hand over her stomach and then between her thighs.

She winces when I slip my fingers between her folds.

“Are you sore, baby?”

“No,” she purrs.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Well, maybe just a tiny bit, but I still want you, Jax,” she breathes, rocking her hips against my hand.

“What do you want?” I tease her as I circle her clit softly, careful to be gentle with her after the way I took her on the plane.

We have a whole week here and I intend to spend most of my time naked with her.

“Your fingers and your cock,” she pants and my cock hardens.

I love how she asks me for what she wants. It took her a while to be confident enough to do it without blushing.

“Both?” I whisper in her ear. “So fucking greedy for me, angel.”