“It’s been a perfect day, though?” It sounds like a statement but it’s a question and I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t answer me.

He lifts my hand to his lips, brushing them over my knuckles. “Better than perfect, baby,” he whispers and I smile.

I slide across the bench seat in the old truck, until I can rest my head on his shoulder.

“Almost there. I’ll have you in bed before you know it,” he says as we approach the house.

“Can’t wait,” I sigh as I wrap my arms around his huge bicep.

Instead of stopping outside it when we get there, Jax drives straight past the main house.

“Where are we going?” I ask, craning my neck to see the house getting smaller behind us.

He winks at me. “You think I’d spend our honeymoon anywhere where I couldn’t let you scream at the top of your lungs without anyone hearing?”

I stare at him in surprise. It was me who suggested the ranch for our honeymoon. I think Jax had an exotic beach, where I’d wear nothing but string bikinis, in mind, but I love it here. “So, where are we staying?”

“Not far, angel,” he whispers and then he nods his head, indicating me to look out of the windshield.

I peer into the distance until I see faint, twinkling lights. “Is that the old barn?” I squeal as I lean forward in my seat, trying to get a better view.

“It sure is.”

I saw the barn on our last visit. It’s a beautiful old building, with oak beams and high ceilings. I told Jax what a crime it was it was sitting empty. He asked me what I’d do with the place and I jokingly said I’d turn it into a little house for us, so that we could visit with Matthias whenever we wanted and not be a burden on his aunt. For the past six months, since he proposed to me, he’s been asking questions about what it would look like — letting me ramble on about my dream hideaway in the country.

Tears prick at my eyes as the building comes into view. There is a porch and a balcony now, where there was once just a huge door and a hayloft. It has giant sliding French doors so the front of the house looks like it’s made entirely of glass — just like I described. Fairy lights are strung up around the outside, making the place seem even more magical. There’s even a huge rocking chair on the porch like in my dream house too.

“Jax,” I gasp. “How did you do all this?”

He rolls the truck to a stop. “I didn’t,” he says as he opens the door.

He holds out his hand and I scoot along the seat and allow him to help me out. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he stares up at the house too, and I realize this must be the first time he’s seen it as well as me.

“Then who did?” I whisper. “Because it’s exactly how I described it to you.”

Suddenly, a cold, wet nose, is nudging at my leg, making me jump in surprise. I look down to see Blue, wagging his tail and looking up at me with his huge dark eyes.

Dropping into a crouching position, I scratch behind his ears. “Hello, boy,” I giggle. “I’ve missed you.”

“I hope it’s what you wanted?” Harvey says as he comes into view. “I followed all of your instructions to the letter.”

I stand again and Blue rubs his head on my legs. “You did this, Harvey?” I blink at him.

“No,” he shakes his head softly. “I just told the expensive contractors that Jax paid for what to do, is all.”

“Go see it, baby,” Jax whispers, giving me a gentle nudge in the direction of the house. “It’s all yours.”

I smile at him before I walk a few steps ahead and step up onto the porch. The huge double doors lead to an open plan living area, with the biggest couch I have ever seen in my life. It’s full of pale pink and gray cushions — just like I talked about.

I spin on my heel and run back to Jax, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face there. “This is the best thing anyone… I can’t believe…” I choke out the words as the emotion of the whole day overwhelms me. Every second of it has been entirely perfect, but this has completely blown me away.

He brushes his lips over my ear. “Anything for you, baby. Go sit on the porch and wait for me, okay?”

I step back from him and stare at his face, but he’s unreadable right now. His jaw ticks as he tries to keep a lid on his emotions. Eager to explore further inside, I turn around to do as he asks, but not before I walk over to Harvey and throw my arms around him too.

“Thank you, Harvey. You took Jax’s instructions and turned my dream house into a reality.”

He pats my back gently and cautiously and my heart breaks for him. I know that he’s trying not to be overly familiar because Jax is glaring at him right now, and he has warned him before that Matthias and I are off limits. I wish that we weren’t though. I know that Harvey let Jax down badly, but I see how desperately he wants to make up for that and be a part of his son’s life.