“Did you know about this?” I murmur to Jax.

“Not until today,” he replies.

I nod and feel a wave of relief. Somehow, that would have felt like more of a betrayal.

“Does mom know?” I say this louder.

“No,” he snaps.

“Does she have one of these things?”


“She’s gonna be so pissed at you when I tell her what you’ve done.”

Jax laughs softly and the sound rumbles through his chest, comforting me.

“I know,” my father snaps.

“Or I could get it taken out tomorrow and we won’t tell her,” I offer.

“Lucia,” he warns.

“I want it out of me, Papi,” I say and I see him ready to argue with me again. “But I do see how useful they are. Maybe we need to have a family meeting about us all having one? If I have one then it will be my decision. And I think it’s only fair that you have one, too. And mom and the boys?”

“Hmm. We’ll see,” he replies.

Jax kisses the top of my head. “And you too, Decker,” I murmur.

I watch the sun setting over the ocean as I sit on the sofa in Jax’s huge open-plan living room, cradling a mug of his Aunt Molly’s soothing tea. My parents left about an hour ago and Jax is settling Matthias for the night. I’m trying not to think about what might have happened if Jax and my father hadn’t got to me when they did. One thing I do know for sure, is that as soon as I’ve been to the doctor’s tomorrow to get this damn tracker removed, I’m heading straight to Toni’s gym to beg her to teach me every single thing she knows. I never want to feel as defenseless again as I did today.

Jax walks back into the room and I smile at him.

“He’s fast asleep,” he says as he sits down on the sofa beside me.

I place my mug on the table and he pulls me onto his lap, brushing my hair from my face. “Are you okay, baby?”

“Yes, I told you like a million times. I’m good.” He frowns at me and I lean my head against his chest. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “But I’ll tell you if I’m not okay. I promise.”

“Okay,” he kisses my head. “You want to watch a movie?”

“Yes. Which one?”

“Your choice, Angel.”

“Really? Anything I want?”


“I’m going to make you watch something really girly and romantic, you know that, right?”

“Anything you want.”

“Hmm. I should get kidnapped more often,” I giggle.

“Lucia!” he warns.

“Too soon?”