“We’ll be home soon, mija,” my father answers. “Magda has your old room ready.”

“No, Papi,” I reply. “I’m not moving back home.”

“You’re not going back to your apartment,” he snaps.

“She and Matthias will move in with me,” Jax says and I look at him and frown.

“I’m not moving in with you,” I whisper and Jax frowns right back at me.

“You’re not going back to that apartment, so you come home with me or you stay with Jax until I find you somewhere more appropriate,” my father adds.

“So you’re happy for me to live with Jax?” I ask him leaning forward in seat so I can see his face when he replies.

“No,” he snaps. “But his house is like a goddamn fortress. So…”

I look back to Jax. “It’s not up for discussion, Angel. One of us will be taking you home with us tonight.”

“Fine,” I mumble. “I’ll stay with you, but I’m not moving in.”

“Why not?” he whispers.

I beckon him closer, until I can press my lips against his ear so my father won’t hear me. “Because you have screwed half the women in California in that house.”

“Oh,” he chuckles softly, “then we’ll look for somewhere new then.”

I shake my head. I don’t have the energy to argue with the pair of them about my living situation right now. Whatever drugs Richard gave me are still making me feel woozy—or maybe it’s the lack of food and the fact I just watched a man tortured to death—or a combination of all three.

I close my eyes and lean against Jax’s chest and he strokes my hair.

“You said you weren’t the first girl he’d done that to, mija,” my father breaks the silence in the car.

“Yes. He said that he usually liked skinny girls that were younger than me. That was why he was so angry with me, because when I made you think I was dating him and you had Jax look into him, he was pissed that he almost got found out.”

“But then he took you, so he must have known we would come for him?” Jax says with a frown.

“Yeah,” I agree. “But I think he honestly believed he was some sort of criminal mastermind.”

“Hmm. Naming yourself after a Greek god does kind of scream over-inflated ego,” Jax says.

“You think you could look into it a little more, Papi? See if there are any other girls he’s maybe taken, or even killed?”

“He’s dead now, mija. He can’t hurt anyone else. No good will come from digging into his past.”

“But those girls might have people worried about them, Papi. Parents or brothers, sisters, children?”

He takes a few seconds to answer. “Fine,” he eventually sighs.

“Thank you. From the way he spoke I think he’d used that place before.”

“Hmm. That would make sense,” Jax says. “There wasn’t much likelihood of people finding the place or sneaking around there.”

“So how did you two find me there, anyway?” I ask and immediately feel the tension in Jax’s arms.

“It doesn’t matter,” my father snaps. “All that matters is that we did.”

“I know that,” I say with a frown. “I was just wondering how you did. The place was kinda out of the way and all.”
