“Come on,” Alejandro hisses and I tune him out, keeping all of my attention on getting through this door as quickly and as quietly as possible.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I feel the mechanism inside give against the pressure and after a soft click, the door is open.

I look at Alejandro as I curl my fingers around the handle. “Ready?” I whisper.

“I want this cunt alive,” he growls.

I nod my understanding. A quick death would be far too easy. Neither he or I are known for being men of mercy and I know he feels the hatred and venom for the man who took Lucia from us as fiercely as I do.

I pull open the door and the sight that greets us makes my heart stop beating in my chest. I see everything as if in Technicolor and it is an image that will be burned into my brain for the rest of my days.

Lucia is shackled to the table, naked except for her bikini bottoms. Her body shivers uncontrollably. There are large droplets of fresh blood on the floor and a psychopath is running the tip of a knife up the inside of her thigh.

I raise my gun and Alejandro does the same as we edge into the room, but the electric light casts a shadow and the movement alerts Richard to our presence. He drops behind the table, peering over the top like a frightened meerkat as he holds the knife to Lucia’s throat.

She turns toward us too. Her eyes meet mine and they are filled with relief and tears.

“You come another step closer and I will make her bleed out faster than you can possibly imagine,” he sneers as he presses the tip of his blade against the main artery in her neck. “Just a quick slice and she’s gone. I even gave her some blood thinner along with her roofie. I like it when they bleed.” He cackles to himself and seems genuinely impressed with his own genius.

“He’s fucking loco,” Alejandro hisses.

I aim the gun at him and he ducks lower while pressing the blade against her skin until it pierces it. A trickle of blood runs down her throat.

“Can you make that shot?” Alejandro whispers.

“Which one?” I hiss.

“I know you can kill him,” he mumbles. “Can you make the other one?”

He knows I can. I can take the stalk off a cherry from fifty yards away. But if I miss—well, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Unfortunately for Richard Peterson, I never miss.

“Yes,” I growl.

Alejandro doesn’t need to speak again for me to know what he’s thinking. Richard continues to peer over the table, taunting us. He is talking non-stop but I tune him out. There will be plenty of time to listen to him talk—and scream—once I get our girl to safety. I squeeze the trigger and the bullet explodes through the second knuckle on his right hand, throwing him backwards with the force. The knife clatters to the floor and Lucia lets out a muffled scream.

Alejandro moves before I do, running to Richard as he lies bleeding and shouting profanities before he’s hoisted up by his collar. Alejandro snarls something in the sick fuck’s ear but I’m too far away to hear. I can imagine it was some kind of threat that involves his cock. Then he takes Richard’s injured hand and pushes two fingers into the gaping hole left by the bullet before twisting it behind his back. His screams of agony fill the room.

I run to Lucia while her father keeps Richard restrained. The first thing I do is remove the rag from her mouth.

“Matthias?” she croaks.

“He’s fine, Angel. He’s with your mom.”

She nods and a single tear runs down her cheek.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of here,” I say, brushing her damp hair from her face.

She nods again as she pulls at her restraints.

As I free her arms, my eyes roam over her body, giving her a quick check over but she has no visible injuries apart from the blood on her face that seems to have come from her nose. As soon as she is able to, she pushes herself up into a sitting position and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

“Jax,” she sobs against my chest.

“I got you, baby. You’re safe now,” I soothe as I hold her tight while Alejandro holds onto Richard, one arm wrapped around his throat and one of his large hands clamped over his mouth.

Lucia pulls back from me, wiping her eyes before she reaches down to her legs to free them.

“Hey, I got you,” I say, pulling off my t-shirt. “Put this on, first.”