I close my eyes as tears sting them. How the hell is anyone going to find me here? I can’t even try to reason with him because I can’t speak.

Dolos drags me roughly to the door of the diner. My feet drag along the asphalt as I try to resist but he is surprisingly strong for someone who spends most of his time sitting on his ass watching a computer screen. I try to remember what Toni taught me. Fight dirty. Use anything at your disposal. But in this situation, my mouth is my best weapon and it is completely useless.

I mumble through the rag, hoping that he’ll want to remove it to hear what I have to say but he simply laughs. “You can’t talk your way out of this, chica.”

He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the door, pushing me inside a dark room. I blink and stumble over some debris on the floor while he turns on a small electric lamp that floods the room with light.

As I look around I wish that he hadn’t. One of the large tables from the diner is in the center of the room and it has been made into some kind of makeshift torture device. It looks like something from a dodgy BDSM porno. It has shackles at the top and bottom for hands and feet and large chains hang from the sides. On a small table beside it are an array of weapons and sex toys—knives, scalpels, dildos and something I can’t quite make out. As he pushes me closer I see that it’s a speculum, the kind that gynecologists use when you go for a pap smear.

Bile burns my throat again. I pull away from him, shaking my head and screaming through the makeshift gag in my mouth but the more I struggle and cry, the more he seems to enjoy himself.

“Don’t worry, chica. We’re going to have so much fun,” he laughs.

He pushes me over to the table and I take my shot, throwing my head back and catching him on the nose, but it’s not enough.

“Fucking bitch,” he screams as blood drips from his nostrils. He slaps me hard across the face and pushes me onto the bed. I kick out but he chains me down and one by one he releases my ties and shackles me to the hard table. I stare at the broken ceiling fan directly above us, praying that it will fall down directly on top of him. The prospect of what he’s about to do to me is too much to consider, so I think of anything else and close my eyes, pretending I’m not in this room with him.

“No point closing your eyes,” he says. “You can pretend you’re somewhere else, but once I get started there’ll be no doubt about where you are and who you’re with.”

I hear the clink of metal, signaling he’s picked up one of the nearby weapons. I realize it’s the knife as he slowly and methodically starts to cut through my clothes. Firstly he starts with my tank top. The metal blade is cold on my stomach and I flinch.

“You thought it was funny to have that pumped up jackass come to my apartment and question me about whether I was fucking you?” he snarls in my ear and his spittle hits my cheek as he speaks. “You thought it was funny to have him picking over my life? Looking at me like I was some fucking freak?”

I shake my head.

“I had to sit there and live up to your little fantasy of me, chica—just some nerdy little gamer who couldn’t fuck a girl unless she’s on a screen. Because if he’d have found out what I really like to do to filthy little sluts like you, then I would have been in quite a whole heap of trouble, wouldn’t I?”

So he’s done this before? And he was worried that Jax almost found him out. Oh my God! How many other poor girls has he done this to?

“You’re not even my type. I prefer my girls much younger and skinnier than you,” he sneers. “But I’ll still take great pleasure in fucking every hole you have until you bleed.”

Then his knife slides up my inner thigh, cutting away my jean shorts, and I lie there motionless, praying for Jax and my father to hurry up and find me. The only other thing I have left is my stubborn refusal to let Dolos see me cry again.



“They’ve stopped,” I say to Alejandro as I watch the small red dot fixed on the screen. “They’re about twenty miles up ahead.”

He nods and floors the accelerator. We were already way over the speed limit but he pushes the SUV to the max. “Let’s go get her.”

When we pull into the parking lot of the boarded up diner, I see a silver Prius parked beneath the trees. We jump out of the car, looking around as we run to the door.

“You think he’s alone?” Alejandro asks.

“There’s only one car. If he’s not, there can’t be many of them in there.”

He nods and tries the handle. When he’s met with resistance, he pulls his handgun from the waistband of his pants and aims it at the lock. I grab his arm before he can pull the trigger.

“What the fuck?” I hiss.

“We need to get in there fast,” he snarls.

“It’ll take me less than two minutes to pick that, then we still have the element of surprise.”

“You got two minutes before I shoot my way in there.”

I take a small pick from my pocket and get to work on the lock. I feel him fidgeting beside me. He has seen me do this countless times but today the stakes are much higher than they usually are. I feel it, too. I can’t let my mind start to drift and contemplate what we might find when we get inside this place. What state she might be in. What he might have done to her. But the thought that keeps on persisting is the one that she might not be in there at all—that he’s found her tracker and managed to fool us somehow. This guy is good with tech. Who knows what he’s capable of?