“It’s not like I’ve ever used it to keep tabs on her. It was only for emergencies like this.”

I lean back in my seat and open up the internet on his phone, and sure enough there is the flashing red dot heading south. I feel a wave of relief wash over me. That’s her. The speed they’re moving tells me they’re in a vehicle of some sort, but she’s there, isn’t she?

“It only works if her vital signs are stable,” he says quietly as though he’s reading my mind and my heart stops racing for the first time since I got off the phone to Jessie earlier.

“Why didn’t you tell me? How did I not know about this? I’m your head of fucking security.”

“I hoped I’d never have to use it, Jax,” he says with a sigh. “I knew you’d think that she deserved to know and I didn’t want you to have to lie to her.”

“Does Alana know?”

“Fuck, no,” he shakes his head.

“She’ll kill you when she finds out. Both of them will.”

“I know, but I can live with that. Like it or not, that tracker is going to save my daughter’s life.”

“You are an evil genius. I mean putting a tracker in your daughter along with her implant is all kinds of fucked up, amigo,” I shake my head. “But I also kinda wanna kiss you right now.”

He arches one eyebrow. “Yeah, well let’s wait until we get her back and then you can do whatever you want to me.”

Fuck, I’ve missed him.

“So who is this cunt who’s taken my daughter?” he asks.

“He calls himself Dolos.”


“Dolos. He’s the Greek god of deception.”

“Fucking nerds,” Alejandro spits. “How the fuck do you even know that?”

“I guess I’m a nerd.”

He ignores my sarcasm. “Who is he really?”

“His real name is Richard Peterson. Comes from Alabama. His parents still live there. Had a full scholarship to UCLA and finished joint top in his class.”

“Joint with Lucia?”

“Yeah. He’s a massive gamer too. Got his own YouTube channel with over half a million subscribers.”

He shakes his head and frowns at me. “I don’t even know what that means.”

“Beats me, amigo. People like to watch other people play video games for some reason,” I shrug.

“Why has he taken her, Jax?”

“I’ve picked through the stuff Jessie sent me and the best I can figure is he’s obsessed with her. Jessie tracked his activity and he checks her social feeds all the time, even though she barely uses any social media.”

“She ever spoken to you about him before?”

“He was one of the guys she led you to believe she was dating, remember? She realized you had me checking up on her and she decided to have a little fun with us. I checked him out and there was nothing at the time. Lucia said he was a buddy of hers and had no interest in her that way, and vice versa. Seems she was wrong.”

“If he’s touched her—” he growls.

“I know, amigo,” I agree because I feel exactly the same. The self-proclaimed god of deception is about to meet his fucking maker.