“Dolos?” I ask as relief turns to nausea.

“Yeah. Wait, she has her cell. Did you try calling her?”

“Yes. It’s off.” My mind races as I try to think of my next step. “Is Matthias with you?”

“Yeah. He’s playing with my youngest.”

“Jordan, I need you to listen to me,” I tell her and she draws in a deep breath when she hears the urgency in my voice. “Do you have a car?”


“Dolos is dangerous. I need you to take the kids and drive them all to the Montoya Hotel right now. Either me or Lucia’s father will meet you there and take Matthias. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes. Is Lucia okay? What’s going on?” she stammers.

“I’ll explain as soon as I can. You just get yourself and the kids to safety, okay?”

“Yes. Of course,” she replies calmly and I’m impressed by how well she seems to be keeping her shit together. But then she got her degree while juggling three kids and a part-time job—of course she can handle a little pressure.

“Did they take Lucia’s car?” I ask her.

“No, they took Dolos’.”

Of course they did. “What car does he drive?”

“Oh, God. I don’t know. A Prius, maybe? I didn’t pay much attention. It was silver.”

“Anything else that I need to know right now?”


“Get to the hotel. Call me on this number if you see him or Lucia.”

“Okay. I got it.” I hear her shouting the kids to her just before she ends the call. I look at my cell and my fingers actually tremble as I scroll through my contacts for the next number I need. But I have no choice right now. Lucia is out there somewhere with some sick psycho and he deserves to know. He is also the one man who will want her back safely as much as I do.



My truck comes to a screeching stop outside Alejandro’s hotel and I jump out, tossing my keys to one of his security who stands waiting for me. Alejandro is there too, holding Matthias in his arms. A woman stands beside him and two kids play around her feet while a third kid, older than the others, stands staring at a cell phone. I jog over to them.

“Jax!” Matthias squeals with delight as I approach. The kid has a huge smile on his face and I am thankful that he seems to know nothing of what is going on.

“Hey, buddy.” I ruffle his hair as I shoot Alejandro an anxious look.

“You must be Jordan,” I say to the woman standing beside him.

“Yes.” She smiles but her face is full of anxiety and concern.

“Thank you for bringing him here.”

“Of course.” She nods. It’s difficult to talk with four kids around, when we have to maintain a sense of calm.

“Do you know anything?” she asks.

“Not yet. You remember anything else that might help?”

“No. I’m sorry.” She shakes her head and her eyes brim with tears.