“Why don’t you go round up some dinosaurs in your room and we’ll play before dinner?” I wink at Matthias.

“Sure.” He jumps from his chair and runs off to his room.

I walk over to her and stand behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry if I overstepped, Luce. I should have let you take that one, too.”

She shakes her head and a loud sob escapes her throat. “Luce?” I plead. I pull her up and turn her to face me and she buries her head against my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist and squeezing me tightly.

So, I haven’t fucked up? “What is it, Angel?” I press a kiss on the top of her head.

“This is too much, Jax,” she breathes.

I sigh deeply. I shouldn’t have rushed this but I want to spend the rest of my life with her and her amazing kid. How do I pretend that I don’t? “You want to go slower?”

She looks up at me, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “No.” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I’m not making sense.”

“Then take a deep breath and tell me what’s going on, Luce.”

She nods, taking a few deep breaths before she speaks. “Have you ever wanted something so badly that you think about it all the time? Like you almost want to wish it into being? And then when it happens you’re not sure if it’s real because it’s so perfect that it must be some kind of dream or a trick?”

“Maybe,” I frown at her.

“This is it, Jax. I wanted you for so long and wondered what it would be like to have you tell me that you love me. But more than that, I used to watch you with Matthias and wish that you were his father instead of Blake. I had this fantasy about how we would all live in a house by the beach and you would bring me coffee in bed and read bedtime stories to our kids.”

“Kids?” I arch an eyebrow at her. “As in more than one?”

“Yeah. Like six or seven,” she laughs softly.

“No way.” I shake my head. “Three. Tops.”

She smiles. “Four.”

I lean down and kiss her soft lips and she melts into me as I explore her mouth with my tongue. She tastes so sweet and I can’t wait to explore the rest of her later. This right here is everything I ever wanted and didn’t even know that I needed.

“Gross!” Matthias shouts and I pull back from her and smile.

“You really want three more of them?”

“Not yet.” She smiles. “But yeah, one day.”

“Hmm. I’ll see what I can do.” I wink at her and the smile she gives me makes me feel like the happiest man on the planet.



I flick through emails on my laptop but all I can think about is waking up to Lucia sucking my cock this morning. I can’t imagine there is a better start to a morning, except maybe to have her riding my face, which I made her do straight after. I love waking up with her. I love waking her up in the middle of the night by sliding my cock into her wet pussy. Damn, my girl loves to be fucked.

My cell vibrates on the kitchen counter and I glance down at it, hoping that it might be Alejandro calling. Lucia has taken Matthias out for the day with her friend from college and I am at a complete loss as to what to do with my days now that I am no longer Alejandro’s right hand. I don’t even know if I still work for the Montoya Corporation at all or whether I need to be seeking some alternative employment. Not that I worry I’ll be stuck for offers—I’m kind of good at what I do—but I’ve worked beside Alejandro for my entire adult life. He is as stubborn as a fucking mule, though.

Unsurprisingly, it’s not his number I see flashing on the screen, but I am intrigued to see who it is calling. I wonder if he’s heard I’m out of a job—not that he needs me when he has the best hacker I’ve ever known at his disposal.

I answer the call. “Hey, Shane.”

“Hey, buddy. How are things?”

“Don’t fucking ask,” I reply with a sigh.

“That bad, huh?”