“Well, he can disown me, but I knew he would never do the same to you.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we head to the exit.

“He hasn’t disowned you, Jax. He needs you and he knows that he does.”

“We’ll see,” he says with a shrug as we step out of the doors into the glorious sunshine.

“And you need him, too. I won’t allow the two of you to be complete jackasses and stop being best friends because of me.” I give him a playful nudge in the ribs.

“You better watch that mouth, Angel,” he growls, making my insides melt like chocolate in the sun. “You can’t wrap me around your finger the way you can your father.”

I laugh softly because I know that’s not true, not that I would ever take advantage of that—at least not often. “Is that so? I know that he made you choose and you picked me,” I purr.

“Hmm,” he mumbles as he walks us to his car and opens the door for me. Before I climb inside, he dips his head low and whispers in my ear, “Three hours is plenty of time to make you beg for my cock, Angel.”



I turn off the truck’s engine and take a deep breath. Lucia places her warm hand on my thigh and squeezes reassuringly. She doesn’t seem nervous about this at all. I’m fidgety as hell though and I hate it. This isn’t a feeling I’m used to and I don’t plan on feeling it often.

“He’s going to be thrilled,” she whispers.

I look in the back seat at Matthias’ smiling face. I mean I adore this kid, and I know he loves me, but that was when I was Uncle Jax, and not the guy dating his mom. And if he’s not okay with this, then I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do—I can’t give up Lucia, but her son is her number one priority and I have to respect that.

I unclip my seatbelt.

“Are you coming inside, Jax?” Matthias asks.

“Sure am, buddy.”

“Cool. Can we play dinosaurs?”


Lucia climbs out of the car and unbuckles him from his seat. “Jax and I want to talk to you first though, munchkin.”

“Am I in trouble?” he stares, wide-eyed.

“No,” she laughs and shakes her head.

“Come on. Let’s go. We might even go for ice cream after.”

“Ice cream,” he squeals. “This is the best day ever.”

I can’t help but smile at the kid. I sure hope he still thinks that in a few minutes’ time.

When we get up to their apartment, the three of us sit at the small table in the kitchen. Matthias stares at us waiting for us to speak. I wonder what we’re going to say to the kid but Lucia just comes right out with it.

“So, munchkin, we wanted to tell you that Jax is my boyfriend now.”

“Boyfriend?” he frowns.


“Yeah. It means he’ll be here a lot more. And he’ll have sleepovers.”

Oh thank fuck. He’s frowning because he doesn’t understand what a boyfriend is.

“Sleepovers?” he grins. “In my room?”