She shakes her head. “No.” she shakes her head.

“Whenever I call you a good girl? You don’t feel that?”

“Oh,” she breathes. “Well, yeah. It kind of does something to me, but I didn’t realize it was so obvious.”

“Anything that makes you wet is obvious to me, baby. Even more so if it’s the thing that tips you over the edge when you’re ready to come.”

“Is that weird that I like that?” she whispers. “I mean I’m like a grown-ass woman who can take care of herself.”

“It’s no weirder than how hard it makes me to call you my good girl,” I growl in her ear. “Because you are, aren’t you?”

“Jax,” her breath hitches in her throat. “Unless you’re ready to go again, you need to stop right now.”

I laugh as I pull her tighter. “I’m always ready to go with you, but you need some sleep.”

“Are you telling me what to do now?” She feigns her indignation but her shallow breaths are telling me a different story.

“Oh I know you like that too,” I chuckle. “But only in my bed, baby.”

“Except that this is my bed,” she reminds me.

I run my hand over her body and she shivers at my touch. When I reach her throat I squeeze gently. “That’s where you’re wrong, Lucia. Any bed that you are in is my bed. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir,” she purrs and the sound vibrates through my cock.

“Good. Now behave and go to sleep,” I warn her with a final kiss on her temple.



I unwrap Lucia’s arms from around my waist and kiss her forehead.

“Please let me come with you, Jax?” she pleads, staring up at me with those huge brown eyes that will usually get me to agree to absolutely anything.

“No, Angel. This is between me and your father. I have to do this alone. Surely you understand that?”

She blinks at me. “But what if you start fighting again? What if you hurt him?” she blinks at me.

“I won’t.”

“What if he hurts you?”

“He won’t. I’m not going to lie to you, he’s going to hit me. And we’ll probably fight, but we’ve fought plenty of times. I broke his trust, Luce. No matter the reason why, it doesn’t change that fact.”

“But, Jax…” I see the uncertainty in her eyes. That she still doubts my commitment to her stings, but I know it will take a long time to undo a lifetime of her feeling like she’s not good enough.

“I don’t regret a single second of any of it. Being with you is a decision I would make one thousand times over, Angel.” I brush her hair back from her face.

“Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” She leans her head against my chest.

“Stupid? Me?” I kiss her head again. “I’ll see you later.”

I step out of the elevator and nod to the two armed guards who always stand outside this suite when Alejandro is here. I half-expect them to draw their guns and shoot me, but they greet me as they always do. I suppose he hasn’t sent the memo that his most trusted employee and best buddy is no longer welcome.

I walk through the suite and his office door is open. He looks up at me when I step into the room. “I wondered when you’d finally have the balls to show up,” he snarls.

“Well considering it’s only 10 a.m. you didn’t have to wait very long, did you?”