“Come on,” he says to Jax who nods. As they walk to the other car Jax turns and glances at me and it is a look full of longing and desire and everything that we can't say out loud, and I almost melt into a puddle on the asphalt.



I sit on the backseat of the SUV beside Alejandro as his driver takes us to the warehouse where the guy who tried to kill Lucia is being held.

“So, what do we know about this guy?” I ask.

“His name is Owen Kincaid. Worked for the Ortegas a while back.”

“Those Ortegas again,” I snarl.

“After we had our run in with them a few years ago they had a change of leadership.”

“Yeah. I remember,” I say. “The younger brother took over, right?”

“Yeah. He had a shakeup and Kincaid was one of the casualties. It seems he has been a little down on his luck ever since. Lost his apartment. Wife. Kid.”

“Any idea why he targeted Lucia, though?”

“Not yet. But he used to work in that club she used to go to sometimes,” said Alejandro. “That awful place you picked her up from.”


“Yeah, that’s the one. Maybe he knew her from there?”

“Maybe? You got his cell or anything?”

“No,” he grins. “It got smashed when we picked him up.”

“Smashed with what?”

“Kincaid’s face,” Alejandro replies with a shrug.

“Fair enough.”

“Anyway. We got him on camera getting into the car that ran into Lucia and Raoul outside an IHOP about two miles up the road. He was wearing a black cap. Raoul took a look at the footage and identified the car and him as the ones that he saw too. So—”

“We definitely got the right guy then!”

“We sure do,” he said. “I don’t know about you but I haven’t tortured anyone in a long time and I’m itching to break out every single trick I know on this motherfucker!”

“A long time being like what, six weeks?” I arch an eyebrow at him.

He frowns at me. “Six weeks?”

“Yeah. We went to Phoenix, remember?”

“Oh fuck yeah. Well six weeks is a long time.”

“Whatever, amigo. I am up for giving this piece of shit everything we got.”

He nods and smiles at me. “I love when you let your inner sadistic fucker out to play.”

Five hours later we are in the warehouse with Owen Kincaid. He’s tied to a chair and I am holding a blowtorch to his nuts while he screams in agony. The smell of his burning flesh fills the large space and makes one of Alejandro’s newer recruits throw up in the corner.

“Get him the fuck out of here!” Alejandro snarls and he gets escorted from the room by the scruff of his neck.