“Hmm,” Alejandro rubs a hand over his jaw. “That’s if it is the same guy. This could just be a random creep from the internet. Alana tells me there are loads of guys who do this kind of shit to women.”

“Yeah, unfortunately so. Where are you at anyway? Any leads your end?”

“Nothing new,” he shakes his head in frustration. “I have shaken down every single asshole we know. So he’s either someone or no one.”

“Yep,” I nod my agreement. In my experience, if Alejandro hasn’t found this guy in a matter of days then it it’s because they are either so big they have the resources and the reputation to cover things up or they are so insignificant that nobody knows who they are.

“As soon as I have something more, I’ll let you know,” he adds.


“How are Lucia and Matthias?”

I try to keep my voice as steady as I can. “Good.”

“I spoke to them earlier, but you know Lucia, she always puts on a brave face.”

“They’re both fine, amigo. I promise you.”

“Good. Matthias is loving those horses.” He laughs. “You better be prepared to take him back out there on vacation.”

“Yeah.” I laugh too. If I have my way that kid will be coming here every single year with his momma and me.

“I need to run. It’s way past the twins’ bedtime and I can hear them causing hell out there,” he says, rolling his eyes.

“Say goodnight to Alana and the boys for me.”

“Will do.” He leans over and switches off the screen and I lean back in my chair, hit by a wave of guilt. I have been far too distracted by Lucia and not focusing on finding out who tried to kill her.

My job here is to protect her though, right? And what better way to do that than be by her side every possible second? With that in mind, I stand up and head outside to find her.

It doesn’t take me long to find Lucia. She is sitting around the campfire with the ranch hands. My father is there too, but I suppose I can’t be too pissed about that because he does this almost every night.

I take a seat beside her and the way she smiles at me makes my cock twitch in my jeans.

“You want a cold one?” Cody asks her, holding up a bottle of beer, and she nods before taking it and twisting off the cap.

“So, you work for Lucia’s dad, right, Jax?” Cody asks as he takes a seat opposite us.

“Yeah,” I say before taking a slug of my beer.

“And you’re learning the family business?” He flashes his eyebrows at Lucia.

“Yep,” she says with a nod and a smile.

“So, you’ll probably take over one day?”

“I hope so,” she replies.

“And then you’ll be Jax’s boss?” Cody grins.

She gives me a sideways glance. “I guess so.”

“You kind of already are,” one of the other guys—Caleb—interrupts. “I mean if Jax works for your dad and it’s your family business, right?”

She chuckles softly as she takes a drink of her beer.

“Yeah,” Cody agrees. “You’re Jax’s boss.”