“But I’m so glad you misunderstood me, because that was next-level hot.” I arch an eyebrow at him and he chuckles softly.

I rest my hands on either side of his face. “I wish you would share some of your past with me, Jax. I get that it hurts, but…”

“But what?”

“It feels like you don’t give me all of you.”

He looks down at our joined bodies. “I’m still inside you, Angel. I just gave you everything I have.”

I swat him in the chest, making him laugh again. “I don’t mean like that.”

He pulls out of me and zips up his jeans. “We should get out of this kitchen before somebody walks in on us,” he says with a wink and holds out his hand to help me down from the table.

I take his hand and sigh inwardly. Once again, he has managed to avoid telling me anything meaningful and it hurts me more than I could have imagined. He takes my hand as he starts to walk out of the kitchen, expecting me to follow, but I stay rooted to the spot.

“You talk about how different we are in age, Jax. How much more experienced you are than me. But this right here, this is the biggest imbalance in our relationship.”

“What?” he frowns.

“You say you want me to act like a grown up—to ask for what I want—but you only mean when it comes to sex.”


“It’s true though, isn’t it? You know everything about my past, Jax, even though I didn’t tell you. I had no choice because you went digging into my family history on my father’s behalf.”

He shakes his head. “I…”

“And I don’t blame you for that. It was your job. But at least do me the courtesy of giving me a little something back in return. Because until you do, then we will never be on an equal footing.”

He blinks at me but he doesn’t say anything further. What was I expecting anyway?

“Night, Jax,” I whisper and then I walk out of the kitchen alone.



I stare out of the huge window into the darkness. It is so peaceful here. I wonder if I could ever get used to not living in the city though. The door to my room creaks open and I spin around to see Jax standing there.

“Hey,” he says quietly.

“Hey,” I whisper.

He walks to the bed and lies down. “Come here.” He holds out his hand to me.

“I need to shower,” I say, turning back to the window.

“Luce! Come here,” he orders, his tone a little firmer now.

I close my eyes and will my feet to stay right where they are even though I want nothing more than to lie there with him.

“I’m sorry,” he says and that’s when my treacherous body betrays me and I walk over to the bed and lie beside him. I don’t lie on his chest the way I usually would though. I mean, I have to show a little restraint here, right?

He pushes himself up onto one elbow and looks down at me, his fingers trailing softly over my stomach.

“I don’t want you talking to my father because I don’t want him to be a part of my life. Even knowing a little about you or Matthias means that he gets that little bit closer to me. I know that sounds crazy…”

“It doesn’t. I understand that.”