“You’re incredible.” I kiss the top of her head.

“I know you said before about telling people, but can we wait?” she whispers.

“Why?” I meant what I said earlier. She is mine now. No other man will ever fucking touch her again.

“I think we should tell my father first and I don’t want Matthias to have to keep our secret. It’s not fair.”

“Okay,” I agree because she’s right about it being unfair on the kid.

“Besides, isn’t it kind of fun sneaking around?”

“No,” I squeeze her ass. “It might be fun for a day or two but I don’t want you to have to sneak out of here so nobody catches us. I want to wake up next to you, Luce.”

She looks up at me. “You do?” she purrs.

“Yes, mostly because I always wake up with morning wood and it would be so much more convenient to slide my cock into you than have to jerk off.” I grin at her.


I roll on top her, pinning her to the bed. “You know I hate it when you call me that.” I nip at her neck and she squeals as I trail tiny bites all over her.

“Yes. That’s why I do it,” she purrs.

I look up at her, my eyes narrowed. She’s so inexperienced and there is so much I want to teach her. “You know that now you’re mine, I will follow up on my promise to spank your ass?”

“I’m counting on it,” she bites on her lip and my cock hardens. How does she act so fucking sweet yet so wickedly sinful at the same time?

“You know if you want something, you only have to ask?” I remind her.

“I know,” she breathes. “Why do you make me ask for what I want, Jax, when you already know?”

“Because you’re so much younger than me, baby, and I want you to feel confident in asking for what you want.”

“Oh,” she breathes.

“That doesn’t mean I won’t just give you it anyway,” I brush her hair from her face. “Because sometimes I don’t want you to ask. Sometimes I just get the urge to fuck you into oblivion and now that you’re mine I’m gonna be doing a lot of that.”

“That sounds hot,” she breathes.

“But the more confident you are, the more I’ll be able to push you. Does that make sense?”

“Yes. Does it bother you that I’m not very experienced?” She blinks at me.

“No. Not even a little. I love that I’ll get to be the one to teach you what turns you on and gets you off. I’ll enjoy testing your limits with you, Angel.”

“You turn me on and get me off,” she giggles. “I think anything you want to do to me is fine by me.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “That’s a dangerous statement to make, Luce. You don’t know half of the things I’d like to do to you yet.”

“I’m sure I’ll love all of them.” She reaches up and curls her fingers in my hair. “But I love that you want me to be more confident. I’ve never been good at asking for what I want. At least not when it comes to sex.” She blushes at the word.

“You’re blushing saying the word sex to me?”

“Yes.” She flutters her eyelashes.

“Even though I just had my face buried in your pussy?”

“Yes.” Her breath catches in her throat.