I stare at him, licking my lips as heat pools in my core. He wants this too, I can see it, how much he’s holding himself back. He likes me to ask for what I want, right?

“Jax?” I whisper.

“Lucia,” he growls.

“Jackson!” A high pitched squeal cuts through the air making me jump and him blink in surprise.

I turn on my heel to see a tall woman wearing jeans, a tank and cowboy boots strolling toward us. She has long wavy blonde hair. Not the kind of untamed waves I have either, but those perfect beach waves that take me an hour in the salon to get. I bet she rolls out of bed looking that good.

“Hey, Shannon,” he says with a smile.

Shannon? This tanned goddess with perfect teeth and a tiny waist is Shannon. Well, of course it is.

“Harvey told me you were back. I just dropped off Blue’s ear meds so I thought I’d say hi.” She looks at the two of us as though she’s waiting for him to introduce me.

“Hi,” I say with an awkward wave.

“Shannon this is Lucia,” he says, clearing his throat.

She arches one perfect eyebrow. “Lucia?”

“Remember my friend, Alejandro? She’s his daughter. She needed out of the city for a few days,” he says. His friend’s daughter. Not his friend. Or his work colleague. Or the woman he was just about to throw on the floor and fuck until you walked in here, Shannon.

The two of them stare at each other and then at me like I’m in the way. I feel like such an idiot when I realize that I am. When will I ever learn?

“I’ll leave you two to catch up.” I wipe my hands on my jeans. “It was great to meet you, Shannon,” I lie.

Then I walk out of the stable.

“Luce,” Jax calls after me but I keep walking with my head high.

As soon as the warm evening air hits my face, I start to cry, even though I hate myself for it. He’s broken my heart for the last time. It’s my own fault. He warned me it was one night, didn’t he?

As I walk toward the house, I feel a soft wet nose at my hand and look down to see Blue at my side. He’s licking my salty tears from my fingers where I just wiped them.

I drop to my knees. “Hey, buddy,” I sniff and he licks my face too, making me smile.

“I’m sorry. Come here, boy,” Harvey says.

“It’s fine. He’s adorable,” I sniff.

“He has a sixth sense for people being upset.”

I stand and wipe my face again.

“Are you okay?” Harvey asks, his face full of concern.

No. Because your son is an ass! But of course I don’t say that. Jax has his reasons for not wanting Harvey in his life and I would never betray him like that. “I’m fine. Allergies, I think.”

“Yeah. They can get you this time of year,” he says with a wink. “Come on, boy.”

Blue wags his tail and the two of them wander off away from the house.



“So how long are you here for?” Shannon asks as I watch Lucia walk out the door.