“I can’t do this, Jax,” I shake my head. “I can’t pretend like what we did never happened.”

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “I’m sorry, Luce. I shouldn’t have—”

“Shouldn’t have what?” I glare at him. “Brought me here?”

“No. Toni’s methods might be unconventional but she’s the best.”

“She insinuated that you and she…” I don’t finish the sentence.

“I told you that she fought dirty.”

“So you haven’t?”

“No. She’s not my type and I’m definitely not hers. You’re much more her style.”

“Oh.” I blush remembering the fire in her eyes when I was straddling her earlier.

“Friday night shouldn’t have happened though, Luce. I’m sorry,” he whispers, taking a step closer to me until his breath dusts my cheek.

“Do you regret it, Jax?” I blink at him.

He brushes the hair back from my face. “Yes.”

The word is like a sliver of ice slicing through my heart. I step back from him, pulling out of his embrace. “Oh.”


“We’d better get going,” I say, tossing my hair over my shoulder as I walk around the truck to the passenger side. Jackson Decker can go to hell.



I stifle a yawn as Alejandro drives us through the streets of LA. It’s two a.m. and I’ve already done a full day’s work with Lucia but we needed to collect on a debt that he was owed and this is the kind of business I much prefer. It’s been a long time since we’ve handled something so trivial ourselves, but sometimes one of us needs to blow off some steam and beating up people who have fucked him over is a good way to do it. Tonight, it was him who called me, but I can’t deny that I’ve been feeling a lot of pent up frustration myself these past few days.

“I forgot to ask, how did Lucia do today?” he breaks the silence.

“With Toni?”


“She was great,” I reply, rubbing a hand over my jaw. Fuck, she was better than great. She was incredible. She is always incredible and I am going to burn in hell for all eternity for the things I think about doing to her—and for the things I’ve already done. And now all I can see is her face when I told her I regretted what we did a few nights ago. I should have told her the truth, which is that I don’t regret a single fucking second of it, but how do I do that to her? Isn’t it kinder to let her hate me and move on? I have nothing to offer her and she deserves everything. “She knocked Toni on her ass,” I add.

“What?” Alejandro laughs out loud. “My girl knocked Toni Moretti on her ass?”

No, my girl knocked Toni Moretti on her ass. “She sure did.”

“She’s something special, isn’t she?” he says, his face full of pride and I feel a fresh wave of guilt washing over me. What the fuck have I done?

I don’t have a chance to answer him because his car is filled with the sound of his cell phone ringing and Lucia’s smiling face appears on the screen on the dash of his car.

“Speak of the devil,” he says as he frowns at the screen. What the hell is she doing calling at this time of night?

“Hey, mija,” he says when he presses the button to answer.

“Papi!” Her voice trembles and my heart almost stops beating. “I’m sorry it’s so late.”

“It’s never too late for you to call me. What’s wrong?” He glances sideways at me, the worry on his face matching mine.