
“None. Zero. But when your father asked me to do this—”

“My father?”

“Yes.” She nods. “I wouldn’t waste my own, or your, time by taking it easy on you, Lucia. No one out there is ever going to take it easy on you. You want to learn to fight then I’ll teach you, but I won’t hold back, and I’ll say anything I need to say to push you. So maybe next week, you come ready for a fight and I won’t have to tease you so much.” She nudges me playfully before she walks away and climbs out of the ring. “Someone see to that cut before Alana sees it and kicks my ass.”

I climb through the ropes and Jax walks toward me. “Let’s get that cut looked at,” he says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

I shrug him off and lick the blood on my lip. “I’m fine.”

“I got some iodine in my office,” Benji offers. “You don’t want it to get infected now, do you? No one will want to kiss those pretty lips if they’re oozing green pus.”

I can’t help laughing at the face he pulls when he says that.

“Okay. Thanks,” I say and follow him to his office.

I shower and change back into my regular clothes before I leave the gym. Toni is sparring with Benji and they both stop to say goodbye to me as I leave.

“Thank you, both,” I say, aware I wasn’t exactly pleasant when I first got here.

“My pleasure, princess,” Toni replies with a wink. “Can’t wait for next week.”

“Take care of that lip,” Benji adds.

Jax is leaning against his truck waiting for me when I get outside.

“You did good in there, Rocky,” he says with a smile.

I ignore him and start to walk around to the passenger door but he steps out and stops me in my tracks. “Lucia!” he frowns at me.

“Please get out of my way,” I snap as I glare at him.

“I will when you tell me why you’re so pissed at me.”

“You don’t know?” I shake my head in disbelief.

His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows.

“You enjoy watching your girlfriend beat me up in there, did you?”

“What?” He narrows his eyes at me.

“You heard me.”

“Well, I assume I misheard you because she is not my girlfriend and you honestly think I enjoy watching you get hurt?”

“You seemed pretty happy in there when I was getting my ass handed to me,” I snarl.

He takes a deep breath in through his nose and then he steps out of my way. “Just get in the truck,” he snaps.

“Maybe I’ll just walk.”

“You’re going to walk ten miles to get home?” He arches an eyebrow at me.

“It’s preferable to spending time with you.”

He grabs hold of my arm as I go to walk away, pulling my body close to his. “Get in the fucking truck. Now!” he hisses.