“They are all special to me.” He winks and my internal organs turn to molten lava.

I roll my eyes to disguise the fact that I want to jump his bones. “Such a smooth talker.”

“How about you? Anyone special?”

“You tell me, Mr. Decker.” I grin at him, my head tilted as I challenge him to answer. I know that he vets every single man I have ever dated, had sex with, or shown any modicum of interest in. I became aware of this fact in my second trimester of college and ever since then, I have taken great delight in dropping various names into conversations to send Jax chasing false leads and dead end trails.

“Well, not Jordan.”

“Nope.” I smile. Jordan was in my economics class at UCLA. I did enjoy talking to my papi about how smart and fun Jordan was to hang out with. I did neglect to mention she is a single mom of three kids who still likes to hook up with her ex-husband occasionally; I might have let him assume that she was a college frat boy.

“Not Dolly-douche-face either?”

I almost snort soda from my nose. “You mean Dolos?”

“Dolos. Douche-face. All the same to me. Who calls their kid Dolos anyway?” he frowns.

“It’s not his real name. It’s his gamer name. Dolos was a Greek god.”

“Yeah. But of all the amazing Greek gods there are, why the hell would you call yourself after the god of trickery and manipulation?”

I blink at him. He knows Greek mythology too? Of course he does. Jax is the smartest man I’ve ever met. Could he be any more perfect? He stares at me and I realize I haven’t answered his question. “Well it kinds of fits his gamer persona. And isn’t most people’s online presence all about deception and trickery?”

“You like him?” He narrows his eyes at me.

“Not like that. He’s smart though and fun to hang out with,” I shrug. Dolos is a huge gamer and has zero interest in me that way. In fact, if a woman isn’t pixelated, then he doesn’t even notice her. “Which Greek god would you be? Zeus I suppose?”

He winks. “No. Heracles, obviously.”

“Ah, of course.” I smile at him.

“And you’re definitely not dating Archer?” Jax fakes a scowl when he says his name.

“Nope. He would be more interested in you than me.”

“Yeah, I kinda got that.” He chuckles softly and I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during that particular interaction. Archer Henderson is one of my best friends from college, and he is fun and smart and sexy as hell, but he is only interested in guys.

“You should be flattered. Archer is hot.” I grin at him. “And he usually only goes for other young hot guys too.”

Jax is taking a swig of his Coke and he almost spits it back out of his mouth as he laughs. “You saying I’m not young and hot?”

“Hmm.” I bite on my lip as I consider him. “I mean for an old dude, I guess you could say you’re handsome.”

“Handsome?” He shakes his head. “I’ll have you know, I am in my prime, Lucia Montoya.”

Damn right you are! “Well, that’s certainly open to debate,” I say instead and he laughs softly before taking another drink and leaning back against the sofa.

“You remember the very first time I met you, you bought me pizza?”

“I do,” he replies with a nod. “I remember when you came into the hallway and gave me the stink eye. You looked me up and down like I was a vacuum salesman.”

I laugh out loud at that. “I did not.”

“You did,” he laughs too. “I thought you were a spoiled brat. Standing there with your hand on your hip while you decided whether I was worth your time.”

“Well, lucky for you, I decided that you were, isn’t it?” I pull a face at him.

“Hmm. When I came here looking for Alejandro, I didn’t expect to find some pregnant kid here instead.”