“Fine,” I say with a dramatic sigh. “I’ll see you later.”

“Hey,” he snaps as he stands from his chair and holds his arms wide.

I walk over and give him a hug. “Bye, Papi.” Then I turn to Jax. “I’ll wait for you in the hall.”



I lean back in the soft leather seat of Jax’s truck and hum along to the radio while he concentrates on the road. I glance at his thick thighs and his huge hands and try to stop myself thinking about how good he looks beneath that suit. I’ve seen him almost naked plenty of times at my parents’ house when he’s been in the pool and the sight of him in those wet swim shorts gives me a lady-boner every single time.

“So, you’re coming to dinner tonight then?” I ask.

“Of course,” he says with a smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because it’s Friday night. I assumed you’d have a hot date?” I say with a shrug.

He arches an eyebrow at me. “I do, but not until after dinner.”

I hide the sting of jealousy behind a smile and a head tilt. “Oh, that kind of date?”

“What other kind of date is there?” He chuckles softly.

“You’re such a player, Decker. Do these poor unsuspecting women know they won’t even get breakfast in the morning?”

“Hey! I’m a good Southern gentleman. I always provide breakfast.”

“Yeah? To go.” I shake my head at him, feigning my indignation, but the truth is I’d much prefer he had casual hookups than a stable girlfriend. I would hate to have to play nice with whoever he dated seriously—and I would have to do that. He’s so much a part of our family and our life that I wouldn’t be able to avoid her. Of course, the thought that he might fall in love with someone and ditch us completely, or move halfway across the country, is even more depressing. He’s from Dallas originally, and he still visits there a couple of times a year.

“What about you? Anyone serious around?” he asks.

I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. “I’m sure you’d know if there was, Jax.”

“Well, you’re pretty good at covering your tracks when you want to, Lucia. Can you say Brad?”

“Ugh,” I groan. “How do you know about him?”

“It doesn’t matter how I know. Why didn’t you tell me about him?”

“Because, Jax, I don’t want to tell you about every single guy I meet and have you vet them before I can go on a date. That’s why,” I snap.

“Luce, you know that’s not what this is.”

“Isn’t it?” I fold my arms across my chest.

“Your father worries about you. I worry about you too.”

That makes my heart swell a little in my chest, but I know he only means it in an uncle kind of way. Him and my dad are so bloody overprotective. I get that our family has enemies, but that shouldn’t mean I don’t get to have a life. “Well, I can take care of myself,” I snap.

“So, Brad?” he presses.

“He was a complete jackass,” I say with a sigh.

He turns to me, a scowl darkening his handsome features. “Why? What did he do?” he snarls.

“Nothing worth beheading him for,” I say with a roll of my eyes. “He was just a player too. That’s all.”

“Did you and him—?”