I lick the salt from my hand and down the shot of tequila before Kyle shoves a lemon wedge into my mouth.

“Ugh!” I groan as the sour juice runs over my tongue. This must be my fourth one and it still tastes as awful as the first.

“It’s good, right?” he shouts, flashing his eyebrows at me.

“No,” I shout back to be heard over the loud music. “Nothing about that tasted good.”

He laughs and takes the glass from my hand. “You’ll get used to it, chica.” Then he winks at me and drags me back onto the dance-floor to join his two friends.

The heavy bass of the music feels like it’s vibrating through my body as I dance. Kyle is just a friend, at least he was until tonight, but something about dancing with him in this club is making me see him differently. He keeps staring at me with those dark brown eyes. Occasionally his hands stray to my hips and dangerously close to my ass. I’m kind of surprised that I don’t completely dislike it. I’ve never seen him that way before. But maybe it’s the music? Or maybe it’s the tequila?

“More shots?” Bailey, Kyle’s roommate, mouths, miming the action of throwing back a drink.

“Sure,” Kyle replies before his two friends disappear through the crowd and back to the bar, leaving the pair of us alone.

I take my cell out of my purse and message my friend, Jordan. She was supposed to come with us tonight, but she has three kids and her ex-husband had to work unexpectedly.

I understand her struggle.

I’m a single mom too. That’s kind of how we bonded, although Jordan is ten years older than me. I don’t go out often, but my parents are watching my son tonight.

I type out a text message to her.

Lucia: I wish you were here. This place is awesome.

I go to put my cell back in my purse but it vibrates in my hand.

Big Bad JD: Where the hell are you, Lucia?

I stare at the name on the screen. Shit! How the hell did I manage to text Jackson Decker instead of Jordan? And how do I get my stupid ass out of this?

“Everything okay?” Kyle shouts in my ear.

I look up at him and smile. Aw, he is cute. How did I never notice that before tonight?

“Yeah,” I say looking back down at my phone. What the hell am I so worried about? This is what college kids do, right? I’m a grown-ass woman. Yeah, I may be twenty and technically not supposed to drink in clubs, but Jackson is not my father—he only works for him.

Still, I lie my ass off anyway.

Lucia: I’m at home. Safely tucked up in bed.

Big Bad JD: No you’re not.

I type back furiously. Is he spying on me?

Lucia: How do you know that?

Big Bad JD: You just told me.

Oh, damn! Yeah I did.

Big Bad JD: Where are you?

Lucia: Out!

I go to put my cell away again when it starts vibrating like crazy in my hand. I glance back at the screen to see his name and face lighting it up, signaling he is calling now.