‘What did he do to you?’ Alejandro scowled.

‘He tried to make me suck his… thing. But I bit him. I think that’s how I got my concussion when the other one hit me because of it.’

‘You bit him?’

‘Yes. Like it was a corn dog. I went for it. He screamed like a baby.’

I felt his chest moving rhythmically beneath me and I realized he was laughing. I giggled too. I suppose it was strange to be laughing after everything we’d been through, but maybe because of that, it felt right too.

‘That’s my chica,’ he said as he leaned down and kissed me softly. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

‘Yes,’ I sighed against his chest. ‘I knew you would come for me, Alex. That was how we got through it, Lucia and me. We knew you’d come for us. That was why they gagged us, because we kept telling them so.’

‘I would have burned the whole world to the ground to find you, princess,’ he growled.

‘I know. And even in that horrible basement, I didn’t regret for a single second marrying you. I need you to know that.’

He placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to look into his eyes. ‘I do.’

‘You rescued me, Alex, in more ways than you can even imagine.’

‘No, princesa,’ he said, his voice a low rumble. ‘It’s you who has rescued me. I think that my father has been wrong all along. Love isn’t a weakness. You are my greatest strength, Alana. I can do anything when I have you by my side.’

I smiled as I snuggled my head against his chest. ‘Te quiero, Alex.’

‘Te quiero, Alana.’



I woke with the sun streaming through the open balcony doors. I stretched my arms and winced at the pain in my shoulders and ribs.

‘Morning, princess.’ I heard the soft, low rumble of Alejandro’s voice beside me and despite the pain I was in, I felt a rush of heat between my thighs.

I groaned as I rolled over to find him sitting up in bed, fully dressed and with his laptop resting on his legs.

‘Morning. What time is it?’

‘Half past eleven.’

‘What? I’ve slept for over twelve hours straight. I need to get up.’ I tried to sit up but winced in pain.

He put his computer on the bed beside him. ‘The doc gave you some strong pain meds. They’ll make you drowsy. And no, you do not need to get up. You need to stay in bed and rest, just like the doctor told you to,’ he ordered as he reached over to the nightstand before handing me a glass of water and three pills.

‘What are these?’ I asked.

‘For the pain,’ he said as he dropped them into my hand.

I swallowed the pills with a long gulp of water and handed the glass back to him. I lay back against the pillows with a sigh. Even if I wanted to argue with him about getting out of bed, I didn’t have the energy.

‘You look so hot when you’re being bossy,’ I smiled up at him.

‘Stop it!’ he warned.

‘What? The doctor never said no sex, did he? I’m sure we could find a way to work around my injuries.’

‘Don’t tempt me, princess. Do you know how hard it’s been lying next to you all night and not being able to touch you the way I want to?’ he growled.