‘Not quite,’ Jax said from behind him as he stepped out of the shadows, too.

‘Ah, of course. Your loyal little puppy dog,’ he snarled.

‘I wanted to keep this between family, Uncle. That’s what we all are, aren’t we? Why don’t you send these men out and we can talk? Just me, you and the girls? Just family?’

‘You found out my little secret then?’ Carlos snickered behind me.

I blinked in shock. What secret?

‘Sure did. But what I can’t figure out is what the hell any of this has to do with my fucking wife?’ Alejandro snarled, unable to keep a lid on his anger any longer.

Carlos reached down, pushing his hand beneath the collar of my t-shirt and squeezing my breast painfully, making me wince.

Alejandro took a step closer. ‘Take your fucking hands off her!’ he barked.

The four men with guns edged further into the room. ‘Careful, or they’ll take you out before you take another step, Nephew,’ Carlos hissed as he righted himself again, keeping the blade at my throat.

Alejandro held up his hands in surrender. ‘Okay. I’m all yours. But please, Uncle, let my wife go. Let your daughter go,’ he said as he looked across at Lucia.

Lucia blinked at me, her eyes wide in shock and I almost choked on the rag in my mouth. His daughter? What? Lucia was Carlos’s daughter?

‘Why would I do that, when they are the key to your downfall, Alejandro?’

I saw the expression on Alejandro’s face change to one of pain and anguish. ‘Why do you want my downfall, Uncle?’ he asked.

‘Why?’ Carlos half laughed, half snarled. ‘Thirty years I have worked for your father. Doing his bidding. Cleaning up his messes. Waiting for my time,’ he hissed. ‘Waiting for it to finally be about me. Even when I did find happiness, I had to let it go. I had to leave the woman I loved with that monster because I didn’t have the time to have a family. Always being the good worker bee. Always doing what your father asked of me. Even when she had my child, I couldn’t go to her.’

Alejandro took a step closer. ‘My father would never have stopped you having a family. He would have wanted that for you. Uncle Phillipe has Rachel and the girls. Why would he stop you from having that too?’

I felt Carlos’s grip loosen slightly. ‘It was different with me. He was different with me. Always watching me. Always wondering if I was going to have another breakdown. Did he ever tell you that I killed his dog?’ he scoffed.

‘No,’ Alejandro frowned.

‘I was eight. It was an accident. I only wanted to see if the dog was tough like us. We couldn’t get the blood out of the carpet. Mama had to throw it away and Papa was so mad. None of them ever looked at me the same way again! Especially Mateo. He thought I was broken.’

Alejandro continued to edge closer while his uncle raged.

‘And now, after all these years, after I gave up everything, he just hands it all over to you, and I am supposed to accept that? And not only do you have everything I’ve worked for, you want my daughter too? You are a greedy, selfish hijo de puta!’ he snarled. ‘Did you know that it was my idea to start this business in the first place?’

‘No,’ Alejandro shook his head.

‘It was. I was the one who was always prepared to do whatever it took. Did you know that I once killed a woman because she wouldn’t let me fuck her?’ he snarled as his grip tightened again and the blade dug in further. ‘I fucked her anyway and then I slit her throat. Your father got pretty mad about that too!’

‘No, I didn’t know that,’ Alejandro said softly as he looked at me for the briefest moment. He gave a subtle nod of his head as though to tell me this was all going to be okay.

‘Did you think that you could walk in here and just take her back?’ Carlos snarled. ‘Although I’m not sure you’d want her now. She screamed for more when my men fucked her like the puta that she is!’

I winced at Carlos’s lie, and watched as Alejandro’s fists clenched at his sides. Then he looked up at his uncle; his body vibrated with anger but his face remained calm. ‘Did you know that Jax is ambidextrous?’ he asked calmly.

‘What?’ Carlos snapped.

‘Ambidextrous,’ he repeated as bullets whizzed past my ears. ‘As skilled with his right hand as he is his left.’

In a matter of seconds the four armed men were on the floor with blood pooling from their heads.

‘You know he’s from Dallas, right?’ Alejandro said.

‘Quickest draw in the West,’ Jax smiled as he walked down the stairs of the basement. With everyone’s attention on Alejandro, nobody had noticed Jax slipping back into the shadows and drawing his weapons.