‘The hell I won’t,’ I scowled at him. ‘I love that job.’

‘This is not up for negotiation, Alana,’ he snarled.

‘I know it’s not. Because I am not giving up my job.’

He pressed his face closer to mine and I felt the breath catch in my throat. ‘You are my wife and I will not have your ex-boyfriend paying your salary.’

‘But, Alejandro…’

He slammed his fist onto the breakfast bar. ‘Alana! Can you ever just do as you’re told! You are not to have anything more to do with that prick and if I find out he has come anywhere near you ever again, I will break every bone in his body.’

I tilted my head up to look directly into his eyes. Anger coursed through my body. It didn’t matter that I didn’t actually want anything to do with Bobby myself anyway; it was the principle of the matter. ‘I get that you’re a possessive asshole. In fact, most of the time, I think it’s really hot. But this is a step too far. I have never given you any reason to doubt me. How dare you try and tell me who I can and can’t work with? If Bobby donates money to the shelter to fund my post, then that is all it will be. There is nothing between me and him and there never will be.’

‘So why couldn’t you talk to him in front of Hugo then?’ he shouted.

‘Because I didn’t want to, Alex. I didn’t know what he was going to say and how Hugo would react to it. The shelter is where I work. The women and kids there have already been through enough; the last thing they need there is any more drama.’

He narrowed his eyes as he stared at me and I felt anger vibrating through his body. I was angry too. I wanted to shout at him. To rage at him for being so pig-headed, but I knew that wouldn’t get me anywhere.

‘What is this really about, Alex?’ I asked as I placed a hand on his cheek. ‘Bobby is in my past. Way in my past. He means nothing to me.’

‘You say that now, but if you start spending time with him again…’ He shook his head. ‘I forbid you to see him again, Alana.’

‘I am a grown woman. You don’t get to forbid me to do anything.’

‘Yes, I fucking do,’ he snarled at me. ‘You are my wife.’

I nodded. ‘Yes, I am. So why can’t you believe in that? Why don’t you trust me?’

He glared at me. ‘You wouldn’t understand,’ he hissed.

‘Try me!’


‘Because what?’

His nostrils flared as he stared at me. ‘Because he is the man you should be with,’ he shouted.

‘What?’ I blinked at him.

I saw a look of anguish flicker across his face. ‘He is a better man for you than I am, Alana. You wouldn’t be in so much danger if you were his wife. You can’t deny that.’

Shit! He was insecure. The King of LA was worried that he wasn’t good enough for me. What the hell!

I placed my other hand on his face, my fingers brushing against the dark stubble on his jaw. ‘But I can deny it, and I do. Bobby Conroy is not the man for me. I could spend one thousand years in his company and there would still only ever be you, Alex. I am yours — body, heart and soul, remember?’

He pressed his forehead against mine. ‘When Hugo told me he’d come to see you, and you were alone with him…’ He closed his eyes.

‘What? You thought something happened between us? We were alone for like two minutes. You really think I’d do that?’

‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘But I couldn’t stop picturing him with his hands on you. I trust you, but I don’t trust him. Why the fuck would he bother to find out where you work?’

I swallowed and he placed his hand beneath my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. ‘What?’ he frowned. ‘Did something happen?’

‘Promise you won’t get mad.’

‘I’m already mad, princess.’