‘We’d had an argument,’ I replied. That wasn’t important right now.

‘About what exactly?’ Carlos persisted. ‘About the business?’

‘No. About Alana,’ I replied dismissively.

He scowled at me. ‘Her again?’ he spat and then his mouth started to form another word and I had to stop myself from launching myself over the desk at him.

‘Choose your next words carefully, Uncle. Because if you ever call my wife a puta again, I will cut out your fucking tongue,’ I snarled at him.

He closed his mouth and I saw Jax smirking from the corner of my eye.

‘What do you need us to do?’ Phillipe asked.

‘Go to Vegas and see what’s been going on there. With all of us in LA, maybe there’s something he’s involved in that we’re missing?’

Phillipe nodded his agreement.

I looked at Carlos. ‘Look after him while we’re gone,’ he said with a frown.

‘Of course I will,’ I replied.

He smiled at me and it was understood that our dispute was dealt with.

‘Until we find out who was responsible, trust no-one outside of this room,’ I warned the three of them and they all nodded in solemn agreement.

‘I’ll go call the car around so we can pay Joey Ortega a visit,’ Jax said and then he left the room.

Carlos walked out behind him, but Phillipe hung back. ‘Carlos is just upset about your father,’ he said with a shake of his head.

‘I know that. We all are. Tempers are frayed. Things are said. But, we are still family,’ I said as I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. My Uncle Phillipe was a classic middle child — always the peacemaker, always trying to smooth things over.

‘If anything happened to Mateo, it is Carlos I worry most about. He has no-one but us.’

‘I know that too, Uncle. But, Papa is going to be fine, and we are going to find whoever is responsible for this.’

‘You are a good boy, Alejandro. Your father chose wisely in making you his successor.’

‘Thank you, Uncle,’ I smiled. It meant a lot to me to have his support. I had a feeling I was going to need it.



Jax and I stepped out of the car and walked along the tarmac to the container in the shipyard where my men were holding Joey Ortega. We walked inside and saw Joey strapped to a chair. As per my instructions, he was unharmed.

‘Buenos días, Joey,’ I said as I approached him.

‘Alejandro,’ he replied, his voice trembling.

Jax walked to the table nearby and picked up the small pair of long-nosed pliers before passing them to me.

‘You can leave now, gentlemen,’ I said to the three men who had been holding him for me. They nodded and left the container silently.

I held up the pliers and Joey looked at them before he pissed himself in the chair.

I smiled at Jax who shook his head with silent amusement.

‘You’ve heard what I like to do with these, Joey?’ I asked.