I smiled at her. ‘Sometimes I can’t believe he’s my husband, Kels. He is just… he is everything I have ever wanted, and everything I didn’t even know I wanted, rolled into one hot package of fine ass man!’

‘Speaking of a fine ass man,’ Kelsey nodded toward the French doors and I looked up to see Hugo walking out into the grounds.

‘I’m signing off, Alana. Hank, Ray and Max are here in the house and the patrols are outside as usual. Lucia is studying in her room and Mr Montoya asked me to tell you that he’ll be home after dinner so not to wait for him to eat.’

‘Thanks, Hugo,’ I said.

‘You fancy sticking around for a quick drink, Hugo?’ Kelsey asked as she lifted the half empty wine bottle.

He cleared his throat. ‘I’d better not,’ he said but his eyes were drawn to Kelsey’s legs as she crossed them, exposing the skin at the top of her thighs in her short sundress.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow, ladies,’ he mumbled as his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

Kelsey stared after him as he walked back into the house. ‘Oh, I would climb him like a tree,’ she said as she fanned herself with her hand.

I laughed at her. Having her here made being confined to the house so much easier to bear. I suddenly remembered that she had to go home in two days and felt a wave of sadness.

‘What time is your flight on Monday?’ I asked.

‘Eight am. I’ll be home in time for my shift on Monday night.’

‘I’ll miss you.’

‘I’ll miss you too, honey. But now that I know my bestie has her own freaking jet, you can send it for me next time I have some time off work,’ she said as she poured us each a fresh glass of wine.

‘Sounds like a great plan.’

‘Hey, I meant to tell you I saw your mom last week.’

I swallowed. I hadn’t spoken to my parents since the morning I had confronted my father and he had admitted that Alejandro had paid him three million dollars to marry me. He had sold his only child and I had told him that I never wanted to see him again. I had no idea if my mother had even found out about my visit that morning, but she hadn’t contacted me either way. I was done with the two of them, but it was hard to cut them out of my life, even though I knew it was the right thing to do.

Kelsey had no idea about what had happened with my parents or the fact that my marriage to Alejandro hadn’t started out anything like the fairy-tale she believed it to be.

‘How was she?’

‘She didn’t look well, to be honest. She asked how you were. When was the last time you spoke to her?’

‘It was a while ago. We kind of had a falling out. Well, me and my dad did.’

‘And your mom took his side, like always?’ Kelsey asked with a roll of her eyes.

‘I’m not even sure she knows about it. But, she must know something as we used to speak a couple times a week. Who knows what my father must have told her? But I’m done with them, Kels.’

She nodded at me. ‘You deserve to be happy, Alana, and I don’t think you ever really were in New York. Not like you are here. I think your father had a lot to do with that.’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked her. She had never mentioned anything like this to me before.

‘He always had you working for him, covering his ass, or playing some angle so he could score votes. Remember when you had to cancel on our trip to Cabo at the last minute because he had some emergency he needed your help with. Or the time we were supposed to go upstate for Heather Jensen’s bachelorette and he asked you to look after your mother because she was sick and he was going out of town? There were so many times just like that, Alana. He never let you live your life.’

I frowned at her. I’d never really thought about how many times I’d had to cancel plans to help out my parents, but it happened a lot. ‘I’m sorry, I must have been a crap friend, Kels,’ I said as I felt tears pricking my eyes.

‘No you weren’t,’ she said as she placed her hand on my arm and gave me a reassuring squeeze. ‘You were always there for me when I really needed you and I know you always will be.’

‘Always,’ I said as I held up my wine glass. ‘I love you, Kels.’

‘Love you too, honey,’ she smiled as tapped her glass against mine.