‘Oh, he’s as hot as hell. And when we were on the plane over here, while you and the panty melter were otherwise engaged, we had a bit of a kiss and well, you know? But since we landed in LA, he’s been super professional and as much as I try to tempt him, he’s not biting. I suppose he has a lot going on with trying to find out what happened to Alejandro’s father?’

‘Yeah. I guess they’re all kind of busy right now.’

‘Does Alejandro have any idea who is responsible yet?’

‘No,’ I shook my head. ‘At least not that he’s told me anyway. And I’m sorry that you’re practically on house arrest here. I’d love for us to have gone out while you’re in LA. Alejandro has an amazing club, but he says it’s just too risky right now.’

Kelsey nodded. ‘Don’t worry, honey. I totally understand. It’s no hardship being confined to this house anyway.’

‘I know. But you’re only here for a few days. I’d have at least liked to have shown you some of the sights.’

Kelsey placed a hand on my knee. ‘Will you stop worrying? This isn’t your doing. I’m a big girl and if I want to get out of here, I will, but I’d rather spend my last two days here with you, by this beautiful pool. Do you think we could encourage Hugo to come out here and have a swim?’ She lifted her sunglasses and gave me a cheeky wink.

‘I think he might consider that a dereliction of duty,’ I laughed.

‘But he’s your bodyguard. If you’re in the pool too, then isn’t he doing exactly what he’s paid to? Oh, I wish he’d offer to guard my body,’ she sighed.

‘Maybe the next time you visit, he won’t be so distracted with work,’ I suggested.

She smiled at me. ‘Oh, do you think? Maybe we could all go out to Alejandro’s club. That would be awesome. Clubbing with my girl and her hot bodyguard,’ she giggled.

‘You are man crazy,’ I said as I swatted her playfully on the arm. ‘I’m sure you’ll forget all about poor Hugo as soon as you’re back in New York.’

‘Oh, I don’t know honey, those eyes and those biceps are kinda hard to forget.’

‘I seem to recall you saying that about Logan Woods not so long ago.’

‘Oh, well he turned out to be a complete asshole didn’t he? You always had his number though, Alana, You’re such a great judge of character when it comes to men. I always pick the crazies or the complete assholes.’

‘Well, I’m not sure you’re entirely right about that,’ I laughed.

She took off her sunglasses and looked at me while she took a sip of her wine. ‘Actually,’ she frowned. ‘You hardly ever dated at all, even in college. Not since Bobby Conroy broke your heart.’

‘Exactly, I didn’t pick well there, did I?’ I flashed my eyebrows at her.

‘Jerk!’ she snorted.

‘Hey, did I tell you I ran into him the other week? He’s some tech millionaire now.’

‘Really? Bobby the jock a tech geek? No way!’

‘Yes way. He was the keynote speaker at some convention at the hotel.’

‘I bet Alejandro loved that,’ she started to laugh. ‘You running into your handsy ex-boyfriend.’

‘He is not handsy,’ I insisted.

‘Whatever! So, did Alejandro like him?’

‘No,’ I grinned at her. ‘Not even a little bit.’

‘Good,’ she said as she raised her glass in a toast. She read magazines as much as I did and knew all about the legions of women Alejandro had dated before me. I had also told her that we bumped into them frequently.

‘You certainly seem to have picked a good one now, though,’ she said with a smile. ‘He adores you, honey.’

I smiled back. ‘You think?’

‘Girl, I know! He can hardly keep his eyes or his hands off you. And why wouldn’t he? You’re a knockout. But it’s more than that. The way he looks at you. It’s everything,’ she sighed dramatically. ‘Every woman deserves a man who looks at them the way Alejandro looks at you.’