‘Okay. Maybe Kelsey and Lucia could join us? Sounds like it could be useful stuff for any woman to know,’ I suggested, thinking that having both of them involved would make it feel less like preparation for a potential kidnapping and more like one of the self-defense classes I took in college.

‘I think that’s a great idea. Then I won’t have to have to think about you and Hugo alone together wrestling in my gym.’ He flashed an eyebrow at me and I pushed him in the chest.

‘You’re kind of possessive, do you know that?’

‘Yes, I do. And you love it. You’re all mine, Alana,’ he growled, pressing his hips into mine so I could feel every inch of him.

‘I know,’ I groaned as I raised my hips to meet his. ‘Just like you’re all mine.’

‘Fuck, yeah, I am,’ he breathed as he shifted his hips lower and pushed his cock into me. ‘And you can have every last inch of me, princess.’



Alana squeezed my hand as we stood outside my father’s hospital room. We’d had a call from the doctor at 6am to say my father was coming around and would be waking shortly. We’d left the house and got over to the hospital as soon as we could. My mama had gone in to see him first and had just walked out of the door with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.

‘He wants to see you, hijo,’ she said to me.

‘Come on,’ I tugged Alana’s hand.

‘No. You go on in and see him first. I’ll wait with your mom for now,’ she said softly.

I nodded at her. There would be things we’d need to discuss that I didn’t want her or my mother hearing about and the fact that she was aware of that only made me love her even more.

‘Gracias, princesa,’ I said as I kissed her on the forehead and let go of her hand.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door to my father’s room. He was lying on the bed, still surrounded by machinery and with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to disturb him. But his eyes snapped open as soon as he heard a footstep on the floor.

He turned his head. ‘Mi hijo,’ he croaked with a smile.

‘Papa.’ I walked over to the bed and sat beside him, taking hold of his hand and squeezing. ‘It’s good to see you awake.’

‘It would take more than a couple of bullets to stop me, hijo,’ he said with a faint laugh.

‘I know.’

We sat in silence for a few moments with all of the unanswered questions and unspoken words hanging in the air between us.

‘I haven’t found him yet, Papa,’ I said eventually as I put my head in my hands.

‘I know you will, hijo,’ he said as he placed a hand on my head. ‘You are your father’s son.’

I looked up at him. This man had taught me so much. He was the man I respected more than anyone else in the whole world. The fact that I’d almost lost him felt like a knife twisting in my heart. I realized that I had never once told him how much he meant to me.

‘I love you, Papa,’ I said quietly. I expected a slap around the head. This man didn’t do overt displays of emotion.

‘I know,’ he croaked. ‘I love you too, hijo.’

More silence followed and then he said three words that I had never hear him say to me before in his life. ‘Lo siento, Alejandro.’

I frowned at him.

‘For what I said about Alana. I was angry about the Ortegas’ situation. I see how much you love her. How much she loves you.’ He closed his eyes again as the effort from talking was so obviously draining him.

‘I’m sorry too, Papa,’ I said as I squeezed his hand again. ‘Did you see anything at all that might help us find who did this?’

He shook his head. ‘But whoever it was knew exactly where I would be. That means you can’t trust anyone, hijo. Only me and your uncles.’