‘I never asked you to come after me,’ I snapped. ‘I told you I needed a few days.’

‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘No, you fucking didn’t. You ran off like a spoiled child and you sent a vague fucking text message to Lucia. You didn’t tell me anything at all, Alana. You left me to go fucking crazy wondering where the hell you were and if something had happened to you.’

I blinked at him as I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

‘Don’t start with the tears, Alana,’ he said with a shake of his head. ‘I’m not in the goddamn mood for them.’

He pulled off his boxer shorts and climbed into bed. I looked at him, wondering whether to climb in there with him, but decided against it. It was clear he didn’t even want to look at me right now. I got that he was pissed at me for going to New York, but how could he blame me for his father being shot?

He turned away from me and I knew for certain then that he didn’t want me there.


I walked out of the room and down the hall to find Kelsey.



An hour later, Kelsey and I lay on her bed eating peanut M&Ms. The TV flickered in the background but we weren’t watching it, we were still too busy catching up on all we’d missed over the past few months. She was the perfect distraction from my fight with Alejandro.

We were giggling about the time she had abandoned a date in the middle of Central Park Zoo when we heard the knock on the door. We froze, looking at each other with our eyes wide and our mouths hanging open. I picked up the remote and turned off the TV, hoping that if that was Alejandro outside, he would think we were asleep and go away.

‘Alana,’ he said in his low growling voice as he knocked again.

My heart started to hammer in my chest and the two of us remained quiet, staring at each other.

‘Don’t make me come in there, princess,’ he said, the edge to his voice clearly audible.

I swallowed and sat up.

‘You don’t have to go out there,’ Kelsey said with a flash of her eyebrows. ‘I will totally kick his ass if you want me to.’

I stood up and smiled at her. ‘No. I’d better go.’

‘Well, remember, I’m only down the hall. Scream twice if you want me to come rescue you.’


‘Well, if you only scream once, it’s probably because you’re hate-fucking, or make-up fucking,’ she said with a grin.

I picked up the pillow and hit her over the head with it, making her squeal.

I could sense Alejandro’s impatience from the other side of the door as I walked to it. Pulling it open, I blinked as I saw him standing there – six feet of solid muscle, anger and fire. He didn’t need to say anything for me to know what he was thinking. I was his wife and I slept in his bed. Period. Even if he had acted like a complete jerk.

‘Night, Kels,’ I said softly.

‘Night sweets. Night Alejandro,’ she said with a huge grin.

‘Goodnight, Kelsey,’ he said as he stepped back, allowing me to walk out of the room. I closed the door behind me and followed him silently to our bedroom and I couldn’t help feeling like I was walking to meet my fate. With each step we took, my pulse raced faster and the churning in the pit of my stomach grew more insistent.

What if he had changed his mind about punishing me for going to New York? When he’d promised that he wouldn’t, things had been very different. Was he going to punish me because he blamed me for the last conversation he’d had with his father or because he believed it was my fault his father almost died?

I swallowed as we reached the door to our room and stepped inside. Alejandro closed it behind us and walked to the bed. He slipped his black sweatpants off over his legs and tossed them onto the floor so he was standing naked, his semi-hard cock hanging heavy between his thighs.

I remained still, unsure of what he wanted from me. ‘Are you planning on coming to bed fully clothed?’ he snapped.

‘No,’ I whispered as I unzipped my jeans and slid them over my legs, kicking them into the laundry hamper. I pulled my tank top over my head and threw that in too. Then I stood there in my underwear and his eyes roamed over my body, his cock hardening further as he looked at me.