Hugo nodded. ‘He’s had a rough couple days. But then so have you. And Lucia has been desperate to have you home, you know.’

‘I know. But, Alejandro was right. I shouldn’t have left her like that.’

‘Hey, we do what we need to do. Don’t be so hard on yourself,’ he said with a smile.

‘Thanks, Hugo.’

‘Any time. Now, I’d better go and find the boss.’

I nodded. ‘Sure. And I’ll go find Lucia.’

After checking her two favorite places, the den and the kitchen, I eventually found Lucia in her bedroom. Her door was open but I knocked lightly before popping my head inside. She was sitting up on her bed flicking through a magazine.

‘Hey, sweetheart. Can we talk?’

‘Whatever,’ she said with a roll of her eyes.

I walked into the room and sat on the bed beside her. ‘I’m really sorry I took off like that. It was wrong of me.’

‘Nothing to apologize to me for. Like I care, anyway. You don’t owe me anything,’ she snorted.

I swallowed. She wasn’t going to make this easy on me, was she? ‘Well, I think I owe you an apology, even if you don’t, and an explanation if you’ll hear me out?’

She looked up from her magazine and shrugged her shoulders. ‘Whatever,’ she said but she kept her eyes fixed on me.

‘You know I was having those tests at the doctor’s?’


‘Well, yesterday, Dr. Kelly told me that I’ll find it very difficult to have children naturally.’

‘Oh,’ she said, her face softening slightly.

I took a deep breath. ‘So I kind of got a bit upset and then I started overthinking things and questioning what kind of woman I was if I couldn’t have a baby-'

‘A woman is not defined by her ability to have a baby, Alana!’ Lucia snapped.

‘I know that,’ I smiled at her. ‘And I’m glad that you do too. But like I said, I kind of got lost in my own head. Sometimes, I don’t think straight when I’m upset,’ I said with a shrug. ‘I also overheard part of a private conversation that I shouldn’t have. What I heard was out of context, but I didn’t know that at the time, and so that suddenly compounded all of those thoughts I’ve ever had about not being good enough. About not being worthy.’

‘I get that,’ Lucia said sadly.

‘It’s crap, isn’t it? We women are more powerful and stronger than half the world gives us credit for and the sad thing is we struggle to remember it ourselves sometimes.’

Lucia nodded as she stared at me.

‘Don’t you ever forget that, my little warrior!’ I said to her as I reached out and touched her hand. ‘You are one of the strongest and bravest people I have ever met.’

She squeezed back. ‘So are you.’

I smiled at her. ‘You really think so?’

‘You’ve got the King of LA whipped, haven’t you?’ she giggled.

I laughed too. ‘Don’t let him hear you say that. He’d probably toss you out on the street.’

She nodded as she started laughing harder. ‘Can you imagine his face if I told him he was whipped?’

‘Yes, I can,’ I nodded, imagining that very thing.