‘You are dripping all over this bed, princesa. Your cream is fucking delicious. But it’s not enough,’ he growled as he pushed himself inside me and my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head. ‘Because I want every last drop from you.’

He lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he fucked me slowly. ‘I want you to soak these bedsheets with your cum. I want you to scream my name because I need you to remember how good we are together. I want to remind you how much our bodies were made for each other.’

‘Alex,’ I gasped as I opened my eyes and looked at him. God, he was so damn beautiful. And he made me feel beautiful too. ‘I love you so much.’

‘Te quiero,’ he breathed before sealing his mouth over mine. Then he fucked me so slowly and perfectly that I felt like I might have died and gone to heaven. When I finally climaxed, a rush of wet heat gushed out of me and soaked the sheets just like he’d wanted.

It was only then that he broke our kiss and smiled at me. ‘Jesus, Alana! You are fucking perfect, mi reina.’



As soon as the plane touched down on the runway, Alejandro and Jax turned on their cell phones. Both of their devices pinged to life with message alerts and missed calls. They frowned at each other and before either of them could say another word, Alejandro’s cell phone started ringing in his hand.

‘Hola?’ he said as he lifted it to his ear.

I couldn’t hear the conversation or even tell who was on the phone, but my heart sank as I watched his face turn an unusual shade of pale.

‘We’ll be there as soon as we can, Mama,’ he said quietly. ‘Si. Te quiero,’ he said before ending the call. He took a deep breath and looked at me. I felt my pulse start to quicken as I waited for whatever terrible news he was about to give me.

‘Papa has been shot. He’s in ICU,’ he said matter of factly.

‘What?’ I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth. ‘Shot?’

‘What the fuck?’ Jax hissed as his own cell started ringing. ‘By who?’

Kelsey looked at me wide eyed from beside Jax, her hand reaching for Hugo’s.

Alejandro shook his head and I took hold of his hand and squeezed. ‘I don’t know. But find out everything you can and then…’ He looked around the small plane, seeming to remember that Kelsey was with us, and stopped himself from saying anything further.

‘I’m on it, amigo,’ Jax replied, not needing any further clarification.

‘Hugo, can you take Kelsey to the house please?’ Alejandro said as he squeezed my hand. ‘You’re coming to the hospital with me?’ he said as he turned to me. As if he even needed to ask.

‘Of course I am.’

‘Good,’ he nodded before turning back to Kelsey. ‘I’m sorry that this has been your introduction to LA, but Hugo will look after you.’

‘You don’t have to apologize. I hope your father is okay,’ Kelsey replied quietly before drawing in a shaky breath.

I squeezed Alejandro’s hand again and he responded in kind.

As soon as we got outside LAX, there were three cars waiting, one to take Alejandro and me to the hospital, one for Jax who’d had his cell phone glued to his ear since we’d touched down and was heading to the hotel, and one to take Kelsey and Hugo to the house.

Alejandro and I sat in the back seat of Jacob’s car as he drove us to the hospital. Alejandro was quiet and understandably distracted and I wished there was something I could say to make him feel better. All his mom had told him was that his father had been shot in the chest earlier that morning while he’d been on his way to see Alejandro at the hotel, and we were on our way back from New York. He had been rushed into the ER and they were doing all they could to save him.

I held on tightly to Alejandro’s hand, threading my fingers through his. He continued staring out of the window, but he lifted my hand to his mouth and brushed my knuckles across his lips, and despite the awful situation we were heading into, I still felt a spark of electricity from his touch.

We were greeted by Alejandro’s mom, Maria, and his two uncles, Phillipe and Carlos as soon as we reached the ER. Maria looked at us as we walked through the doors and at the sight of her son, her face crumbled.

‘Mama,’ Alejandro said as we reached her, letting go of my hand and pulling her into an embrace.

‘Oh, hijo,’ she sobbed into his arms.

Alejandro kissed the top of her head. ‘He’ll be okay, Mama. Papa is the strongest man I know.’

She nodded, her face pressed against his chest. Alejandro glanced up at his two uncles, who looked at him gravely, their faces full of fury and anguish. Then the three of them shared a look which had Alejandro untangling his mom from his arms. ‘I’m just going to talk the doctors, Mama. Alana will sit with you,’ he said.