‘Te quiero, princess. You are everything to me,’ he said softly.

‘I love you too,’ I whispered.

‘I have a plane waiting at JFK, but if I need to, I will stick you in the trunk of the car and drive us all the way back to LA. It’s your call, princess.’

‘The plane will do just fine,’ I said with a smile.

‘Good,’ he said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

‘Are you going to punish me for running away?’ I whispered.

‘I should,’ he breathed into my hair. ‘I should take my belt to your ass and scar it for life. But no, I’m not going to punish you, as long as you promise never to take off like this again, and never assume that you are anything less to me than my whole fucking world. Can you do that?’

‘Yes,’ I whispered.

‘Do you think your friend would mind if I fucked you on her bed?’ he growled.

‘Yes. I think she’d mind a lot,’ I laughed.

‘Damn!’ he said with a grin.

A few moments later, we walked out of the bedroom and back toward the others in the lounge.

‘We may as well eat this food, Kelsey. Those two will be fucking like rabbits,’ I heard Jax saying as we entered the room.

‘Oy!’ Alejandro said as we walked into the room and gave Jax a friendly punch on the arm. ‘Come on. Let’s go.’

‘Hang on a minute,’ Kelsey said as she stood up. ‘You can’t just walk in here and take my best friend like that. It’s the middle of the night. Our food has just arrived. I haven’t seen her for months and I’ve missed her.’

Alejandro checked his watch. ‘We have a delinquent seventeen year old at home who we need to get back to. And we only have two hours before we miss our slot for take-off.’

‘Sorry, Kels,’ I said.

‘You sure you want to go back with him?’ she asked me. ‘Because I know you guys might be tough and all that but I am not against kicking some ass or calling the cops if you’re taking my friend here against her will.’

I felt Alejandro tense beside me, unused to Kelsey’s particular brand of humor.

‘Yes, I’m sure,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry I’m running out on you, though. I’ve missed you, too.’

Alejandro looked between the two of us and rolled his eyes. ‘Why not come with us then, Kelsey?’ he offered.

‘What?’ Kelsey and I said at the same time.

‘We have plenty of room if you want to come stay with us for a couple days?’ he replied.

‘But she has a job,’ I said.

‘Actually, I have some vacation time owing. And they owe me a huge favor anyway after I helped them out of a tight spot today,’ Kelsey said with a shrug.

‘Why, what did you do?’ I asked.

‘Can you tell her on the plane?’ Jax said with a roll of his eyes. ‘I’ve got a hot date tonight.’

‘Please come then?’ I said to her.

‘Okay. I’ll come stay,’ Kelsey squealed as she ran off to her bedroom to grab some things.

‘Thank you,’ I said to Alejandro.